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Why Bouche Rules


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I was sequestered in my little computer room on friday with a tasklist (some work for www.ottawacomedy.com), a bottle of red wine, a tray of Whore Derves, a bag of ruffles 'cheddar and sour cream' and a bong. I really did my best to stay far away as possible from the main event. I did 'hope' that I might be needed at some point, but the only time I heard my name called was when there was a fire in the oven.

BTW, look to ebay to purchase official 'sex toy hot tub water' very soon !

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bouche, i'm impressed (headboard aside -- haha). not only did you make it through an entire girlie party, but you lived to tell the tale. heh, lord only knows what overhearing the antics must have sounded like. :: i don't know if it was fear or willpower, but how you managed to stay in that room all night is beyond me. good show, chap! and thanks for letting us stormtrooper our way into your home! (and tub! ;) )

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