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Christmas CD - Well Worth the Price


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Trout Fishing in America has come out with an excellent CD of Christmas music, if any of you are looking for small gifts to purchase this year. It's called "Merry Fishes to All". I bought one for my girlfriend for the holidays this year. It is really cool, for Christmas music (somewhere between a children's disc and adult tunes).

While I was on their website I also decided to order another of their discs that I HIGHLY recommend. It is their 1996 release, "Reel Life", and it has a lot of live recordings of some of their best tunes. It also includes a live version of "Ode to Big Blue" by Gordon Lightfoot and "Dixie Chicken" by Little Feat! Awesome.

Check out their site. They ship stuff very quickly (and write on the package that the contents are valued at $0.00 as a promotional disc, allowing you to avoid paying any duty). Also, any of you who have ever met these guys will know that they are very cool and deserving of support. (Besides, isn't there an opening these days in the music scene for bands with the name "Fish" in them?)

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Well, as long as this is turning into a "recommend a holiday disc thread" (which I think is a great idea for a thread anyway), I would also like to point you guys toward "Wintertide" by Don Ross. The disc has some really old, traditional Christmas songs that have been lost over time.

It is really good (as all his discs are). It's always nice to support a Canadian musician too; especially when that musician happens to be among the best on the planet!

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