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Remember that part in TRON with the lightcycles? That was cool. Remember the four million lightcycle games that followed close on its heels? That got a bit tiring. SWRON puts a new twist on the lightcycle game by changing to an up-close view, just like in the movie, except with an oddly out of place rubber squeal when you crash. It's not really an improvement, but it's nice to see how technology's improved since 1982.


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1) Jeremy is my Tron bitch

2) Sounds familiar Velvet, I beat some guys Galaga score of 999,990 out in syracuse by 9 points once.

3) What the fu©k is a jam band? Are there bands that don't jam? I know there's that one band that's so alternative they don't even play, but other than them I'd say it's a pretty sure bet most of them jam.

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Sure, you can roll it, but if you roll it and get say, 1,200,000 points, it'll register as 200,000 and if someone got a measly 300,000 they would beat you on the hi score list.

For the record, when I was in grade nine I was such a geek that I subscribed to a video game mag that registered charts, and when they did a year-end roundup of world-wide hi scores my personal best on Galaga was higher than the one they published.

Yes, for a moment I was the world's greatest Galaga player.

Autograph's $5.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tron Reloaded

7479.jpg Back in 1982 Tron actually wasn’t too implausible a concept. After all, the idea of a programmer getting trapped inside his computer is rather easier to stomach when programmers actually could fit inside their computers, being, as they were, the size of a small hippo. Time and technology have moved on since then though: we now have microprocessors, nanotechnology and the ability to watch Internet porn in six million colours. In short, its about time for an upgrade.

So it is that Disney has commissioned a remake of Steven Lisberger’s cyber romp utilising all the bells and CG whistles now available. though as commendable a thought as that may seem, it's really rather sad. After all, there was always something rather endearing about a futuristic cyber-tale that looked more low-tech than a 1974 Austin Maxi – and this was when it came out! Now old Tron has been elevated to cult status by its sheer naffness, everything from the glowing neon getup (gotta love those helmets) to the rather funky light cycles. And let’s not forget the fact that Tron turned the Frisbee – 80s outdoor toy of choice, since replaced by the flick-knife - into an instrument of righteous smiting.

If you’re too old, or indeed too young, to have encountered Tron, the film starred el duderino himself, Jeff Bridges, as a computer programmer who is abducted from his workstation and sucked into a computer program. Once inside he's forced to participate in rudimentary, computerised gladiatorial games (not unlike Daley Thompson’s Decathlon on the Spectrum) until he enlists a security program to help set him free. The new version will be slightly updated, with the Internet now being the malignant force that sucks our hero in.

“We are contemporizing it,” screenwriter Brian Klugman told Variety, “taking these ideas that were ahead of the curve and applying them to the present, and we feel the film now has a chance to resonate with a young audience."

An online environment that entraps people, refuses to release them into the real world and forces them to play all manner of ‘games’? What kind of far-fetched madness is this?


Click HERE for instructions to make your own costume

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