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My One year Anniversary in Ottawa today!!!!


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WOW!!!! I did it!!! One full year in Ottawa!

I'll never forget the feeling I had as I pulled the car onto the Queensway last year around dinner time. My stomach was full of butterflies, and I got a huge smile on my face as I anticipated my arrival to Ms. Hux and Bouche's place.

Waiting with open arms and smiles they took me in for a few days while I waited to MEET my new roomate (Freekerbythespeaker)and move into our new pad. (((thanks Freeker for putting up with me through my transitional period....your one hell of a good friend)))

And thank you to everyone who made this year the best year of my life!!!

2004 was the year of first...started my own business and found true love!!

Can't wait to celebrate on New Years!!!

Hugs to all ::

(sorry about the cheese, just trying to send out a warm fuzzy to the Ottawa Crew)

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Yeah it's strange Del! I've lived in a lot of different places, but when family and friends are now 7 hours away it seems to put a weird twist on things.

It's always hard being the new kid on the block. People know nothing about you....then you try and tell them a story from your past and it's hard for them to relate...cause they don't know who your talking about.

It seems to get easier after a year, cause finally you are a part of their stories and lives.

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Happy Anniversary Baby!!! So proud of how well you've done here in Ottawa, hell you even gave me a job. I know it was scary at first but now you run this town and it wouldn't be the same without you. Thanks for being the best roomate ever and the greatest friend on earth...Here's to another year of happiness and prosperity.

Love you big time

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felicidades sister!! ::

thanks for being so sweet when i made the move this summer. i can't tell you how good it felt to get little welcoming messages from you and douglas especially, offering me supportive sentiments. it made the transition a whole lot easier, so a big KUDOS to you lady, and a couple of big hugs for good measure. ;)

by the way, i love the cheese! :D

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(((Sunshine))) wow just a year eh? Crazy...well so very shortly after meeting you my life exploded into a ball of flames and you were right there...as though you had known me for years. You are an amazingly gracefull and layed back human being.

I am sooo happy for you that life has been so kind to you since moving here...you deserve it sweetness.

love, Hulia. :)

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