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check out Bug's Website!!!! Some Cool Stuff Here!


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Dear Buggy,

a) Where my new curtains at? (The pink/purple curtains with satin trim are the curtains on the big window in my apartment)

B) Can I get some new oven mitts (with thumbs this time, if it's not too much trouble?)




P.S. I'd also like my world peace (in a handbag) when you have a sec...

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Thanks everyone!

Here's some answers to your questions:

1. Since everything is custom made, the prices aren't set! If there's something you're interested in, let me know and maybe I'll cut you a deal!

2. Julia, you're curtains are on my to do list, with a due date of "ASAP".

3. I only make oven mitts with no thumbs ::

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I first knew that bug was crafty in High School. I was then suprised and inspired by a beautiful singing voice and the coolest mix tapes i've heard.

This woman has impeccable taste (as we know...too bad to lose you to the east but not sad in the least)

Bug - you'll be getting orders when I have the ideas and direction needed for buying cool stuff. guaranteed.


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More questions...more answers!

1. Component shelf = why not!

2. Photo printer = I don't think so!

3. Frames = $40 (mirror or picture)

This one is currently "in stock":


4. Someone asked at New Year's if I could do record (LP) shelving = yes!

Thanks for all the interest!

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