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the new KitKat commercial? Whay doesn't that a$$hole on the left OPEN HIS EYES??? What a loser... Sorry if it's anyone on here, but come on... Is this the peak of Canadian talent? Hell, I'D make a better personality on a TV commercial. Worst line from that ad? "It's totally new AND it's got peanut buuu-terrr...". fu©k off... Seriously, fu©k off!

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i can't stand the frosted flakes commercial with the little kid pretending to struggle to read the box and then asking what registered trademark is and his annoyingly precocious response of "thought so!" i wanna slap that kid and his mom for her stupid response to his question. aaaaahhhhh, this commercial bothers me to irrationality!

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Holy fack last night I saw a McCain's commercial with Timmy the french fry kid from the McCain's commercial in the 80's....back selling fries again. And maybe this is fiction but they showed him with a fu©king kid too, and I felt really old and it was sad.

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I hate that commerical with the little girl who asks what one is supposed to say in the event that someone coughs... her mom says to say 'Robitussin' and then the girls dad comes into the kitchen and coughs and she say "rubitussin,' all cute and utterly annoying-like. I want to smash her little teeth out when she says "Robitussin!'

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yeah, like they're trying to make it seem like some big craze... when all it is doing is making people craze-y. I think I'm going to start saying it to coughy people though, just to make them angry with me.

Don't do it! Don't you see, that's what they want you to do...

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"I hate that commericial" is music to all ad persons ears. Why? Because you have just become the ad. I swear I was thinking about this again in regards to that Kit-Kat commerical. Here we are, selling it live on the Skank. So dumb, so immitatable, so annoying, so effective. Chances are without it you wouldn't even know about Kit-Kat peanut butter (did anyone see this sort of push with Kit-Kat Caramel)

And when do we get to start taking about the marginalization of the male's ability to "decypher" the female mind in modern media? It's not because we are stupid...arrrgh, don't get me started.

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