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Did Booty Juice Make it to Toronto ...


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ok. so the answers no.

just talked to KC, and found out the reason.

The reason they DID NOT play last night, DOES NOT disqualify them from playing PJC, just any and every other venue.

Hoping for the best....

So if they're playing PJC tonight, is it safe to assume they'll be playing Cafe Dekcuf in Ottawa tomorrow night? (I didn't really parse the "just any and every other venue" part.)



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That's retarded... If this one of those bands that has a stipulation that it can't play two cities that are too close, or if their management fu©ked up paper work, I have a problem spending money on them... Imagine if it was a high calibre act trying to pull this sh!t off? People would revolt...

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Well, this kind of thing has happened before. Back in January, 2004, nero was supposed to do a show in Montreal with Psychedelic Breakfast (now just "The Breakfast", I think) opening up. Velvet got a call a couple of days before the show from their manager, wondering if they needed any paperwork to get across the border...uh, yeah, guys, you do...

And let's not forget what almost nixed that Montreal Slip (do they qualify as a "high calibre act", Del? :) ) show in Nov., 2002 (when the band thought the bar was taking care of the paperwork, and the bar didn't take care of the paperwork).

I'd love it if someobody could write an article (to be accessible as a resource on jambands.com, for example) detailing what needs to be done for an American band to play shows up here.



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the VOid were awesome... I'm going to put them on again, on some good double bill... they have quite an interesting sound... lots of piano, synth and hammond sounds... wacked out drummer.. what a character!! Be on the look out for these cats!!

We gave everyone who came out a free beer because Booty Juice didn't show up... It rained in the city really hard all day... it was quite a drag that the boys couldn't make it out... plus the weather was bad... i guess the stars just didn't align.

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I'd love it if someobody could write an article (to be accessible as a resource on jambands.com, for example) detailing what needs to be done for an American band to play shows up here.

Excellent idea. Perhaps another for the requirements for Canadian bands heading to the U.S. as well...

I've played U.S. dates before, but we sorta did it under the radar...separate vehicles therefore not many instruments in one vehicle etc, and we just said we were visiting friends for a party. It took us a little longer because we made sure that our gear was all inventoried with customs so we didn't get taxed on the way home.

BTW, last night was fun, despite the lack of Bootyjuice. There was some Booty-shakin', and some nice Booty, but no Juice :(

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I find it interesting that a lot of bands don't bother to do the proper paper work to cross the border. Are they expecting the border to be a cottage with one French Canadian mountie and a rotary telephone? These are international borders and if you want to go work in another country you may need to get a work permit. It amazes me that so many American bands have this problem getting into the country.

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[color:"purple"]ya stupid musicians. serves them right.I don't feel sorry for them don't mess with the boarder they should know better. didn't people learn anything from jamcruise.

what they should have done, or any band looking to cross the boarder is contact the musicians union and get some info on all the forms/red tape you need to do BEFORE you leave for the gig. This might be a good idea for the promotor of a show to do as well.

American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada

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[color:"purple"]ya stupid musicians. serves them right.I don't feel sorry for them don't mess with the boarder they should know better. didn't people learn anything from jamcruise.

what they should have done, or any band looking to cross the boarder is contact the musicians union and get some info on all the forms/red tape you need to do BEFORE you leave for the gig. This might be a good idea for the promotor of a show to do as well.

American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada

Unfortunately they only help union members.

The pathetic thing about immigration and hrsdc is that the promoter or band can do everything they're supposed to do, paper work and such, and the immigration inspector can still refuse entry based on how he feels.

Booty Juice has hrsdc confirmation for a work visa that's good for one day, today. Unless the promoters at the other venues made some calls to rectify the situation the other gigs will be illegal and immigration will be expecting them to return to the states tomorrow.

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thanks Bri.

I didn't want to be the person to say that....

Really isn't my place.

who knows if they are going to be allowed to play...

As bri said, they can be turned down at the descretion of the boarder guard. If the board guard felt BJ tried to deceive or cheat them, they might not be allowed across at all...

I want to see them SO BAD! Crossing fingers...

The reason they DID NOT play last night, DOES NOT disqualify them from playing PJC, just any and every other venue.

That jumble of words makes a little more sense now that Bri cleared up the situation.

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