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more job vibes


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well.. this seems to be the place to get the good job vibes, so I'm going to hit you all up now for some positive vibrations

I hate (detest, abhor, loathe, despise) my current employment situation (to the point where I usually feel physically ill while at work) and I'm working on getting out.

To get out I'm working on getting some freelance gigs so I can start my own company. I recently submitted some proposals and if I could get your good job gettin vibes for the next couple of days while I hear back that would be awesome..

thanks guys.. I'll keep you all posted

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I like open source but ASP.NET is probably the best Microsoft technology I've ever used. I don't like to give these guys credit but I have to here. Anyway, it's a great asset to have. I have people from the last two places I worked constantly hitting me up for .NET resources.

I know that "hate your job" feeling. It drove me to quit a company three years ago, without anything to fall back on. It was a great decision in hindsight but it took me about six months to work up the courage to do it. And I spent about six months unemployed. It really helps to have a sugar mama in these situations. ;)

But what you're asking for his vibes, so here ya go...

<<<<<<<<<< HEADY JOB FOR THAT PAT GUY VIBES >>>>>>>>>>

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Tonnes of good vibes Pat!

Good on ya for knowing to get out.

My last job made me feel ill too. I was so desperately broke that it took awhile to say fu©k it....well I'm there still but on a very casual basis...hopefully I can fully burn that bridge within a year...currently it just lies coated in gasoline, matches in pocket. ;)

((((((good job vibes dude))))))) ::

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well..I think all your great vibes had an impact. Though I can't quit just yet, I got an email today from a guy I used to work with who is starting up his own shop and wants to get me on board as soon as he can afford me. We are going to talk more details this weekend but it's promising.

Thanks for the vibes everyone.. you know I've got all your backs if and when the time comes!

much love and grooviness to you all!

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