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The Office: An American Workplace


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Based on the popular British series of the same name, this faster-paced American version follows the daily interactions of a group of idiosyncratic office employees via a documentary film crew's cameras.

Regional manager Michael (Steve Carell, The Daily Show) thinks he's the coolest, funniest, best boss ever - which, of course, makes him the uncoolest, most obnoxious and annoying boss as far as his staff is concerned. His co-worker Jim (John Krasinski, Kinsey) lusts after engaged receptionist Pam (Jenna Fischer, Miss Match) when he's not sabotaging his cube-mate, the know-it-all Dwight (Rainn Wilson, Six Feet Under).

Ryan Howard (B.J. Novak, Punk'd) is a young, smart, self-possessed temp, who quickly figures out the real office politics despite Michael's attempts to instill the official point-of-view.

Meanwhile, the entire office is constantly worried about the impending staff cuts. Will there be layoffs? Will there be office romance? Will Michael ever shut up? If it's truly a typical office, then the answers are "maybe," "yes," and "absolutely not." (NBC Press Release)

It probably won't be anywhere near as good as the Brit version, but with Steve Carell in the cast it's bound to be funny as hell. For those unfamiliar with Steve Carell he was one of the founding (and funniest) members of The Daily Show team.

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Here's a link to the first episode. I only watched the first two minutes but it looks like the exact same plot and script, just with American actors. I don't see the point when the original is so good.

I found it was the same with the US version of Queer As Folk.. same plot, same script.. different actors.. and it just sucked (at least it did for me)

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this HAS To be a joke. I've heard about this in the past but never did I think for a second that it would be an exact rip off of the brit series. Isn't this illegal? It should be. I hope this show doesn't see the light of day...Steve Carell is fine on the daily show but is an insult to Mr. David Brent. this episode is THE EXACT same as the brit series! what a waste of time! somone has done this already! there is zero creativity in this US version of the show.

What a great first post!!


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this HAS To be a joke. I've heard about this in the past but never did I think for a second that it would be an exact rip off of the brit series. Isn't this illegal?

I'm pretty sure the show has been licensed from the BBC. And I think Ricky Gervais and the Ugg Monster get a writing credit.

The American version might be decent if you've never seen a glimpse of the original but otherwise it's just impossible not to compare the shows. And no one pulls off dry, painful humour like the English.

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No one else could ever play David Brent period. That's a RULE!

Also important: No one can write as good as Ricky Gervais.

"I haven’t got a sign on the door that says white people only. I don’t care if you're black, brown or yellow - you know, Orientals make very good workers." - David Brent

“Me, lager. Finchy, Lager. Gareth, lager sometimes cider, so different drinks for different...needs.” - David

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