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Freeker Stapes Sloth and Hux Appreciation Thread


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Well, I've never met Stapes, but he seems like a good enough guy on this board. Freeker, I've only met on one occasion, but I would also say he seems to be a good guy.

Hux, on the other hand, I've had the pleasure of hosting in my home. If I may say one thing that I appreciated the most about Hux, was when he was excellent enough to get duly drunk and argue with (an equally drunk) Bush-supporting Conservative who was also staying with me at the time. (I agree with what many of you are likely thinking ... that I may be a little too liberal, in allowing that kind of riff-raff into my home.) Hux did a far better job of representing the "good guys" than I ever could, and saved me from the necessity of properly berating my own house guest. Thanks Hux!

The Sloth ... well I've know him for about fifteen years now. We've seen countless shows together, and I have always considered him a true friend. He's kinda funny looking though. ;)

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I've made love to all of them.

Freeker is the best at it. He was kind and gentle with me, even though he was smashed. Hux kept looking in the mirror saying "How you like your Bobby?", Stapes just wanted to get it over with so he could go back to the party and the Sloth seemed like he was *elsewhere*.

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Corky's Playpen? Which one of these guys are Corky?1/1/05


Mattress World - 1/1/05


Two of my favorites from this year's new years. That first one should be a "create a caption"

As for a name change, good luck. Once it sticks, it's stuck. Just begin denying it exists, ala Area 51. Better yet, start rumors that you are housing alien space craft there and THEN deny it exists.

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Thanks for the love guys,

Well, I've never met Stapes, but he seems like a good enough guy on this board. Freeker, I've only met on one occasion, but I would also say he seems to be a good guy.

You met me on the same occasion StoneMtn.

Oops! My apologies. I now know who you are, however, my friend. :o

Edit by SM: Oh! And obviously I very much dug Stapes when I met him. I guess that makes it a clean sweep for the 40 main crew - good guys overall (with the one qualification that the Sloth is funny looking.)

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Hi kiddies... a little slow on the draw here but thanks to all for such a wonderful night...

Where to begin? Not too sure... but it was a rager all right. How much fun to show up at the Rheos to see all my fave Ottawa folk each holding a "container" of an alcoholic beverage of some sort... love you guys. Brought a boozy tear to my eye. Seeing my darling Rheos w/ my fave Ottawa Rheos fanclub was a Canadian classic.

And then onto the bar where folks came early and it was a treat to all have some time together while we were all still able to form somewhat complete and cohesive sentences before our tongues slurred and vision blurred... then the show, oh what a show... I know the BNB boys were thrilled at the energy from which they fed that vaulted toward them on the stage.

After party - what to say? Loved it as always... "that house on that street" kept the tradition of allowing madness to ensue w/in it's hallowed, matressed halls. I kept up my own tradition of having to be torn away from the bender, with the BNB boys dragging me away at some point in the afternoon to pile me into the van for the ride home.... have some DOOZIE pics from that night....will share at some point... helllloooo Sloth, Asparagus and Stapes, my dress-up party boys... ;) And those lovely Ottawa ladies who danced on coffee tables and shook it w/ me, allowing me to christen my new party pumps.

I can't begin to list you all but you're all wonderful.

Until we meet and treat again!




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