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Global TV's Bob McAdorey Dead @ 69


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I'm sad abouth this. I liked Mac and I watched Global often growing up. Bob was always funny, and regularly made off-colour comments that would keep co-workers and his audience on their toes.

Incidently, he got railroaded off of Global in part because of his age.

R.I.P. Bob:


Bob McAdorey

TORONTO -- Bob McAdorey, a pioneering Toronto rock 'n' roll disc jockey before he became a popular noon-hour news anchor for Global Television, died Saturday after a long illness, friends said yesterday. He was 69.

Irreverent, smart and broadly appealing, Mr. McAdorey first achieved success as a young man in the early 1960s on CHUM, a station that revolutionized radio in Canada.

Torontonians of a certain age will remember Mr. McAdorey introducing such pop luminaries as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones at their engagements here in the 1960s, while his entertainment journalism brought him into contact with Hollywood stars stretching back to its golden period -- John Wayne and Jerry Lewis -- to the present day.

In the mid-1970s, he appeared on Global, where he produced humour segments.

It was in 1980 when, with Mike Anscombe and John Dawe, he became one of the "three nice guys," hosting a groundbreaking noon-hour news and current affairs show on Global.

Funny in circumstances where humour was sometimes frowned upon, Mr. McAdorey, the show's entertainment anchor, was once fired after producing a mid-summer news item lampooning hot, lazy days at work.

When news of his dismissal hit the streets of Toronto, telephone calls and letters inundated Global, which was soon forced to reverse its decision and reinstate its popular anchor.

It later emerged that women of Irish extraction in the Toronto Star's classified ads department had mounted a telephone blitz against Global with the aim of getting their hero's job back.

"He was a remarkable individual and he was much loved and he had phenomenal respect in the industry for his integrity and professionalism," said Mr. Dawe, his co-host at Global.

Mr. McAdorey grew up in Niagara Falls, Ont., and got his start there on radio, working for CHVC.

He later became the top morning radio personality in Toronto on CHUM during the 1960s before going on to Global in the mid-1970s.

Elaine Loring, who worked as an entertainment reporter with Mr. McAdorey for 18 years, last saw him at his retirement party in 2000 -- and last heard from him two years ago, when she received a Valentine's Day card.

She described him as "funny, irreverent, totally honest -- to the point of maybe too much."

Ms. Loring remembered movie reviews so brutal that Mr. McAdorey almost went "over the top" -- until his sense of humour kicked in, a tendency that also marked his dealings with life more generally.

"He had a lot of sadness in his life and probably used the humour a lot to get through it all," she said. "He always allowed the humour to come back in his life."

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That guy really is burned in my memory. Seeing that first photo and reading that news just made me remember all kinds of things I've seen on Global that I wouldn't have thought of without his image.

He is in fact a large part of any memories I have of Global TV.

Nice photo Oliver!

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I'm definitely going to miss the grand gentleman ... is it true that he was Michelle McAdorey's dad?


That would be Michelle McAdorey from Crash Vegas right? An underrated Canadian band. I think Bob is either her father or uncle. They are related I know that.

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