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I found the lightswitch in my dream!!!


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So I was having a dream that I was taking part in some benefit concert in a school gymnasium...only I don't play any musical instrument! I was handed a guitar and told to wing it. wha??? I was wondering how the hell I was going to pull this off, when I thought to myself "It doesn't matter, it's all a dream. And if it goes that bad you can just wake yourself up." WHA???!!! Screw that! If this is a dream, then I'm going to play my ass off! I found the switch and flicked it off...only the lights didn't go off!! wahhhoo!!! This girl is walking towards me and I'm trying so hard to remember the ideas Paisley had given me when lucid dreaming, but I couldn't think of anything! I didn't want to miss the moment so as she walked past me I made funny faces at her and giggled out "oogalee boogalee boo" over and over again! I ran off into the gymnasium and shouted to everyone that I was in a dream. I was flicking the light switch on and off while repeating in a homer-voice "light goes on, light stays on."

And then some jackass in the audience ruined it for me. He started to pretend that the lights would go off when I flicked the switch. And even though I could clearly see the lights stayed on, I questioned for just a second that maybe this wasn't a dream. And then I woke up.

Very frustrating, but also alot of fun! Too bad I never got a chance to rip apart that guitar

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Guest Low Roller

The light switch theory is from the movie Waking Life. If you're starting to have lucid dreams Dougie then I suggest you watch this movie to really open your mind up.

I had a pretty similar dream recently. I remember that I was studying for some sort of exam, then the room I was studying in turned into the examination room with all these other students there. I recieve the exam, and for the first time ever I was able to READ in my dreams... That was pretty freaky on its own. So anyways I start panicking that I am going to fail the exam because I don't know how to answer the question. Then I realize that I already have my degree, so why am I writing this exam anyways? I start to relax and comfort myself with the thought that even if I have the degree, I still don't have to write the exam because it's only a dream. Then I put my hands behind my head, lean back, put my feet on the desk, and that's how I woke up...

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A great trick to keeping a lucid dream alive: in the dream, rub your hands together vigorously and feel the friction in the dream. Moving your attention (in the dream) down out of your head and into your hands will keep the dream going! Reading this thread reminded me that I had a bit of a lucid dream this morning myself.

My first lucid dream ever took place on stage! Cool.


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hahahaha, douglas, that's funny. i'm sorry you didn't get to play though! i hate that when you're dreaming you're going to do something you're excited about, and then you waste all this time going through a bunch of bullsh!t that takes about 10 years longer than it should, and then you wake up before you get to do whatever is is you're going to do. grrr. i had a dream sort of like your guitar one once, about figure skating of all things. i was rinkside at some figure skating competition (i don't know why), and some guy with a clipboard was all like "okay, you're on next". so there i am thinking.... okay, there are thousands of people watching, i do NOT know how to figure skate, how am i suddenly in skates & a figure skating costume.... and then trying to figure out what moves i could do to fake it. (mostly twirls and ballet moves on ice). i woke up right before i had to go on... which i was a bit disappointed about, because i wanted to see if i could rock it after all!

don't know if I dream in colour or not.

okay what is more common, people who dream in black & white or people who dream in colour? i had someone tell me once they dreamt in b&w, and i thought that was the strangest thing ever. but maybe i am just the weird one. i dream in full colour with all of my senses (even smell and taste).

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I initially thought this thread was very enthusiastically entitled “I found the lightswitch of my dreams!!!”

And I thought, “That’s great…and kind of weird…how many kinds are there? Do people really get multiple-exclamation-mark-excited for certain types of lightswitches? What constitutes a good vs bad lightswitch? And what makes it the lightswitch of your dreams?”

If I could harness the brain cells wasted pondering such trivialities, I’d be a genius for SURE! The possibilities are truly dizzying…

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