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i forget that cuba is not technically part of latin america, i guess (we use american textbooks - do you think there is ANY mention of cuba? nope - ridiculous).

i use a lot of buena vista social club with them ian, there is sooooo much awesome cuban music!!

thanks :)

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debate topics:

- seperate countries vs global community: pros and cons

- the effects of business on western culture and society

- money vs. freedom: which is more important to personal growth

on the god debate:

there's some interesting thoughts regarding global consciousness and a growing body of scientific acceptance towards those thoughts in The Edinburgh Black Box thread... good read

my personal thoughts on god have very little to do with any organized religion I know of... I think of a fairly unfanthonable something that has a connection to everything everywhere... cares as much about a blade of grass as any human being... likes the energy to be good but very rarely interferes at all in any direct way, though perhaps 'tweaks' the overall workings occasionally... doesn't pass judgement though unseen forces or elements that have always existed can be affected by actions and possibly thoughts (good, bad or average)

grew up roman catholic and saw both positives and problems to do with organized religion... people were definately encouraged to be thoughtful and caring (and moral) and were also encouraged to do so unconditionally... some people carry it too far and become fanatical, self-righteous or hypocrits... at the same time there were genuinely kind and thoughtful people involved with the church I attended, its good people like that have a place to gather... not for me, but it doesn't bother me (unless it gets in my face)

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How about discussing how/where news organizations draw the line (if in fact they do) between what the public wants to know, and what it needs to know? Is the public interest served by having the lead story be, say, the jury selection at the Michael Jackson trial, rather than, say, a critical/objective analysis of President Bush's plans for revamping Social Security? Similarly, was all the media attention that was devoted to the Scott Peterson trial justified? Scott Peterson gained a lot of notoriety, far more than any other similar murderer (remember, folks, he wasn't the first or only man to be tried for killing his wife, or killing his pregnant wife; why weren't those other trials as prominent in the news?*); was the public interest served with all the attention?

And if the public interest isn't being served by news organizations, what can individuals do to correct the situation?



P.S. You want Spanish-themed Grateful Dead tunes? How about a good Spanish Jam?

* I have a theory on this: originally, the story wasn't the killing of Lacy Peterson, it was her disappearance, and that, in my opinion, is worth serious attention, at least at the local level, as the public can get involved and help out. Once the story shifted from finding her to trying her alleged killer, the media didn't shift gears (OK, they upshifted), and kept on with the (new) story.

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Meggo: You may want to check out the link below to find lesson plans already set up regarding global issues. There are a lot of resources to get your students involved. As well, the No War Zone message board is a great way for them to find pen pals and learn about life around the world. Good luck. :)


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God is morality.

Religion is conformity.

Personally, I don't base morality on anything "God"-related at all, rather on the Kantian "Categorical Imperative". I tend to think of the concept of "God" as more of an ontology, in the Aristotelian sense of the "first mover" (but I guess we're getting a bit off topic, here, and hijacking Meggo's thread - Sorry Meggo!).

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I didn't mean that god is responsible for our morals at all, but that the words can effectively mean the same thing... "It's against god" or "It's against my morals" mean pretty much the same thing when coupled with our degree of conformity being measured by the structure of "popular religion" which we all follow regardless of metaphysical beliefs whenever we connect with others. Even a murderer can conform to popular religion.

Does that make any sense? ::

I lost me. :)

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