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Only $12.99 each CD**

Be one of the first 400 people to buy Jack Johnson's new CD 'In Between Dreams' starting Tuesday, March 1st, and receive a wristband to see Jack Johnson perform live at Sam the Record Man on Wednesday March 2nd at 4pm.*

*Wristbands are available at Sam's 347 Yonge Street only on a first come, first served basis starting at 9am on March 1st.

Only one wristband per person with the purchase of 'In Between Dreams' while quantities last.

**Sale prices in effect from Tuesday March 1 to Sunday March 6

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Not to rain on anyone's parade, but Jack live isn't as great as one might think... Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE FAN of his music, but have seen him live 3 times and been disappointed with each performance. Just seems to be NO energy whatsoever... Probably due to the lame-o A&F whitehat wearing fans who won't let you get close at all... "I've been here for 3 hours, you are NOT going closer than I am!" My response: "If your lame ass started dancing instead of standing there guarding your territory, we'd all have PLENTY of room to move and get as close as we want..."

So, is it Jack's fault or the crowd's fault? Or is it just that I'm in the States surrounded by a critical mass of ignorant idiots, and it'll be a whole different scene up there? (VERY possible) Don't know, but if you like Jack, and can see him for FREE by buying an album, do it and let me know what you thought of the show... I'd REALLY be interested in hearing how it was...


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Sorry to hear that Jack wasn't doing it for you live. I know exactly what you mean about the live experience not having much "energy". I think that's more his style of music than anything. Especially when he's double billed with the likes of Ben Harper for the fabulous G. Love. Those guys get into it! I love his stuff, but it makes for a mellow show (or a drunk one where I'm running around socializing and the music becomes almost secondary). I love his new vid though...awesome!

As for the crowd, we stand a little bit closer in Canada. As far as the wardrobe goes, I think you now get American Eagle loyalty cards with your ticket purchase. ;)

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As for the crowd, we stand a little bit closer in Canada. As far as the wardrobe goes, I think you now get American Eagle loyalty cards with your ticket purchase. ;)

Ahahahahahahahah! HILLARIOUS, KM!!! I'll make sure to ask for mine if I see him again, too! With my crowd comment, I meant that the people in front just stand there more worried about guarding their spot than having a good time. How can you dance when you're 'on patrol' for people who might want to go up front and HAVE FUN even if they haven't been standing there motionless for hours? I like to get up front and give'r as much as the next guy, but I just meant that at least here in the states (And ONLY at JJ shows, for some reason), that's a surefire way to get involved in some fisticuffs with some AE or A&F models ;)

S from C

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not just there steve-o. i went and saw him last summer (had a good time) and it felt like i was at a fashion show. everyone up close got tickets from businesses, radio promotions, and the like and so most people were sitting the whole time.

Simone and i tried like hell for about an hour during g love to get up close but people were actually sitting down with their ticket stub in their hand (not cooly like the phish lyric) defending their spot or the spot next to the spot next to their spot....bullsh!t. we eventually got escorted to the lawn where we met up with the St. Catherines crew and had a great time.

G Love did steal the show though for me.

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yep... wierd phenomenon... I came to the conclusion that some people just kindof suck, and for whatever reason, alot of them like Jack Johnson, and they decide to hold suck-fest conventions at his shows, or something?!?

I've seen him as the headliner once in Detroit, and it SUCKED with a capital S-U-C-K because of said problems. Saw him at Bonnaroo, where, conveniently I was so spun out that I don't even know if I got close or not, but I imagine I could have if I was able to... That, coincidentally was the show where some guy accused me of stealing his sandals (Which maybe I did, but I don't think so, considering I wasn't wearing them when he approached me). I GUESS it's POSSIBLE that I took them and lost them, but like I said, I was spun-out-steve then so who really knows? Funny story actually, I didn't know what to do and he and his buddies were like surrounding me. I asked what I was supposed to do, since I haven't even been able to find my campsite in the last 36 hours? I think they realized at that point that it wasn't going to get them anywhere trying to REASON with me (I really don't know if I stole his sandals, but I HIGHLY doubt I would have, and then went and lost them so quickly, but hey anything's possible). I told the guy if it would make him feel better he could beat me up. He said "What?" and I said, if you REALLY think I took your sandals, I deserve to have my ass kicked, so why don't you punch me in the face a few times, get over it, and go have fun the rest of the weekend. I really thought he was going to for a second there, but he looked real perplexed, called me a motherfu©ker and walked away. It's wierd that I remember that, but I was pretty traumatized by that and the whole Bonnaroo experience by that point. Anyhow, since then I HAVE been known to commandeer sandals (and slippers) that aren't mine, but I always return them and certainly haven't LOST anyone else's.

Saw Jack open for BHIC in Cleveland, and Jack was great musically, crowd sucked as per usual, and then Ben Harper & IC tore the roof off that f'in place! They stole the show for me that night for sure. Never seen G Love yet...

Sorry for the run-on sentances and tangential long-winded story. Hope ya enjoyed...

S from C

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I thought I wasn't able to go to this because the wristband policy was one wristband per person with the purchase of one CD.

I really wanted to go with Rachael so if I couldn't get two wristbands then I wasn't going to go.

Luckily I checked on Tuesday (I was in Toronto to get my insurance check for the car Rachael wrecked on February 21st, she's okay the car wasn't) and they let me put two wristbands on my arm so I could take Rachael.

I had seen Jack Johnson before at bonnaroo and then again last year at the Molson Amphitheatre.

At the Amphitheatre I was shocked to see how many people were dressed up like surfers! It is Toronto not Los Angeles for goodness sacks.

Today with snow on the ground I don't think everyone will be dressed that way. But I'll let you know how it goes.

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Yeah!!! A spacious back seat to pass out in on the way down, (I'll be comming off of night shift on Tuesday morning, so I will be passed out for the first part of the journey) Have you gotten the new wheels yet? I'm soo excited for you guys, new toys are fun.

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That, coincidentally was the show where some guy accused me of stealing his sandals (Which maybe I did, but I don't think so, considering I wasn't wearing them when he approached me). I GUESS it's POSSIBLE that I took them and lost them, but like I said, I was spun-out-steve then so who really knows?

Hahahahahaaaaaa!!!! Hahahahahahahahaaa!!! :: :: ::

When the torrential downpour started at Bonnaroo, some guy came whizzing by and grabbed my sandals that I had stashed under the van. He took off bolting through the rain. Carp hopped out of the car and gave chase. Hilarious man! The two of them were slip-sliding up the road/stream. When Carp finally caught up with the guy and gave him the usual "what-the-fu©k" spiel, the guy claimed that he thought they were his (ladies sandals?). He was also in spun-out mode. I hope that was you Steve. That'd be too funny!

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Jack Johnson at Sam the Record Man on Wednesday March 2, 2005 was quite the intimate and fun performance. To get into the show you had to be one of the first four hundred people to purchase Johnson's newest effort "In Between Dreams" (2005 Brushfire Records/Universal) which was released the day before the gig.

Jack came on to the stage in the DVD room at Sam's on Yonge Street just a minute past 4pm. The girls screams were loud and long for this laid back musician/surfer.

Though funnily enough it was the men that was giving much of the love to Jack. A gentleman infront of me gave Jack a bracelet to his publicist before the performance and Jack came out with it on. Jack then asked who gave the gift to him and thanked the person right in the front row. Stating how it was nice how it looked like a watch but didn't tell time and how he was always late anyway.

Then while Jack was performing his new song "No Other Way" a guy from the crowd screamed "I love you in a heterosexual way!" Jack replied "I love you too." Then as he went into the second verse he brokedown and said laughing "I was trying to keep it together. I wouldn't mind if you loved me in a really gay way. I love everybody. Here's the next verse."

Finally a guy from the crowd asked Jack if he wanted a lay (spelling? One of those Hawaiian flower necklaces) Jack said yes. Then he said "Usually girls give me lays." He went on to say how he was getting a lot of love from the guys at the show, lays, bracelets and I love you and asked "Where's all the support from the ladies?" The girls responded with a huge ovation.

Jack performed the entire thirteen song, nearly fifty minute set solo acoustic on a stool. Someone after the first song asked if Jack could stand while he performed so people could see better. Jack said "Want me to stand up? I don't have a strap or I would. I'll try and have better posture. To help one or two."

Concentrating material from his latest effort he performed eight songs from "In Between Dreams." Though much of the new material was familiar to his fans as many of the songs were performed on last years 2004 Brushfire Tour, including "Banana Pancakes" and the short song where Jack sings in french "Belle."

For "Belle" Jack said how it's funny how Americans think he's being all cool by singing the song in French, which wasn't his intention. He said "I should have translated it for Americans. 'Hey beautiful, I can't speak french.' It's a pretty idiotic song. People think I'm Spanish."

Jack also performed older material stating after the first song "I know the album (I love it when artists still call CD's albums) just came out, so I'll play some old and new songs." Going into a great version of "Flake" without the breakdown at the end.

At the end of "Taylor" Jack said that while that song is played "Is it just me or do you sometimes think of Ben Stiller making the mean face?" Referring to Stiller acting as the on screen director in the video for "Taylor" (I'm assuming Stiller also directed the video.).

Also at the show he told the crowd that the new song "Do You Remember" was a continuation of "Bubble Toes." Initially Jack referred to the new songs as "Bubble Toes Part 2" to much applause and stated that he felt that he tricked everybody and they were going to feel cheated so the next song was "Bubble Toes."

The show closed with "Mudfootball." At the beginning of the show he mentioned how the Molson Ampitheatre show last September was one of the best shows of the year. Personally I thought it was one of those cheesy lines that every artist says at a show. Then Jack joked and said that he would say that at the next city he was going to play and I appreciated the honesty. But he then said that they used the Molson Amphitheatre performance of "Mudfootball" on a Japanese CD single. So that made me think at least he felt the performance of that song was worthy to be distributed. So the likelihood of the Toronto show being one of the better performances higher than I initially thought.

Also it says something that Jack Johnson will be closing his 2005 summer tour at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto on September 17. With tickets going on sale March 12 through www.ticketmaster.ca

Here's the setlist from the Sam the Record Man performance

March 2, 2005

Start time 4:02pm

1. Better Tonight

2. Flake

3. No Other Way

4. Banana Pancakes

5. Times Like These

6. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

7. Taylor

8. Belle

9. Good People

10. Do You Remember

11. Bubble Toes


12. Never Knows

13. Mudfootball (For Moe Lerner)

End set 4:51pm (Total time 49 minute set)

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Thanks for the review Timmy... nicely written... I enjhoyed the Toronto show last yr but am not sure hes a performer i will see regularly... I feel his music holds up better on CD... which in no way is a bad thing!

Thanks for the kind words.

As I stated above, I wouldn't have been at Sam's yesterday if Rachael wasn't such a big fan Jack Johnson.

That being said it was a intimate and fun performance. Who knows when the next time I could ever see Jack solo acoustic again infront of 400 people? His next gig in Toronto will be his (I believe) third in a row at the Molson Amphitheatre (the first of which was opening for Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals in 2003).

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Not that it has a lot of relevence to this thread, but Ben Stiller did not direct the "Taylor" video. It was directed by the Malloys, 3 brothers who direct music videos commercials and films. They did a surfing one called "Thicker Than Water" and I think that is when they first came into contact with Jack. I don't know if anyone has seen the video for "Afternoon Delight" from Anchorman but they did that as well. The company I work for represents The Malloys in Canada for TV commercials. That's my information session of the day...


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Not that it has a lot of relevence to this thread, but Ben Stiller did not direct the "Taylor" video. It was directed by the Malloys, 3 brothers who direct music videos commercials and films. They did a surfing one called "Thicker Than Water" and I think that is when they first came into contact with Jack. I don't know if anyone has seen the video for "Afternoon Delight" from Anchorman but they did that as well. The company I work for represents The Malloys in Canada for TV commercials. That's my information session of the day...


Thanks for that. On jack johnson's official website messageboard I just asked who directed "Taylor" and I had yet to get a response. If and when I do there is no way it will be as informed as the one you gave me.

BTW I think "Taylor" is a great video Ben Stiller is hilarious in it.

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Absolutely they have done a bunch of really good work, Metallica's "St. Anger" (actually shot in San Quentin, yes those are real convicts, they even used some of them as crew for the shoot), they have done some Ben Harper videos, Black Eyed Oeas "Shut Up", Foo Fighterslot's of cool sh!t. They are totally normal young guys, just with a lot of talent. They also directed a movie that came out a while back called "Out Cold", skiing/snowboarding movie starring Jason London, Victoria Silvstedt (oh yeah!!!), it's really funny, a couple of the guys from anchorman are in it too.


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Absolutely they have done a bunch of really good work, Metallica's "St. Anger" (actually shot in San Quentin, yes those are real convicts, they even used some of them as crew for the shoot), they have done some Ben Harper videos, Black Eyed Oeas "Shut Up", Foo Fighterslot's of cool sh!t. They are totally normal young guys, just with a lot of talent. They also directed a movie that came out a while back called "Out Cold", skiing/snowboarding movie starring Jason London, Victoria Silvstedt (oh yeah!!!), it's really funny, a couple of the guys from anchorman are in it too.


I didn't like Metallica's last album too much but that "St. Anger" video kicked ass!

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wow -- lots great info and laffs! KM and Steve, your Bonnaroo/sandals stories are HILARIOUS. thanks for those.

Timmy, thanks for the head's up for Jack's Sept 17th show. When I knew I couldn't make it to his Sam's appearance, I checked his website and was disappointed to find NO Canadian tour date. (And great review, BTW)

Also, I'll take the advice of others and just be happy with the lawn (which is what we always choose for any of those M.Amphitheatre shows, anyway). I'm so not into jostling for space. And I have to admit my ignorance; what is American Eagle and A&F? I'm assuming a preppy clothing line or some such...So I guess I have to also expect lotsa frat boys/trustafarians at Jack's show? Oh well, I'm completely in love with Jack's music though and will give have to see him at least once!

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Nope, KM, not me, because it wasn't raining when that happened... And these were (apparently) men's sandals. BUT during the torrential downpour I was still spun out and lost (because I ate like a 10 strip when I FIRST got there, before I got my bearings). So I ended up waiting out the storm by CRAWLING UNDER SOMEONE'S RV... Stupid. I was lost from my companions for, seriously, like 30+ hours, because even when I FINALLY came down, I had NO IDEA where we'd come in at or anything (landmarks, etc). Eventually I ran into someone I knew who had at some point ran into my friends who told her they were looking for me. She sat me down, smokead a doob with me and brought me home... I felt like a little kid who got lost in a department store or something... :)

But that would have been hillarious if I was your sandal thief :)


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Some comments...

Timmy, GREAT review. Sound like a good time, and I bet seeing him in that setting would be much better than at an ampitheatre/theatre setting.

Deb, You are correct AE and A&F (Abercrombie and Fitch) are preppy clothing lines... Kind of shocked you'd never heard of them. You are a teacher, right? What grade? Maybe pre-idiot fashion... I like that one, "trustafarians" I got a good giggle out of that myself...

Anyways, If you like JJ's tunes, you probably SHOULD see him at some point, just don't be expecting it to be a very 'kind' scene, as most of the people there, at least for me, are MUCH different in mindset/attitude/manners, etc.

But I DO love me some Jack (In a heterosexual way, of course..." ;) Whowever said it first was correct, his music comes off much better on CD, but he's worth seeing for the experience. Also, he tends to do some little things in between or in the middle of songs, that you wouldn't hear on an album (That's for you, T)

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