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Brent Butt lecture wed in ottawa


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i dont know why you dont like the show - its got some of the funniest characters on any show on the air right now. He's the it guy because people think he's good and they're proud that he's canadian i suppose.

Like they say that's what's wrong with our population, we don't celebrate good things that come from here so people have to go to other countries for any feeling of success. If people think its good - i wouldnt bash them for making a big deal of it for a change.

I've never seen his stand up but i would go to the lecture because of the topic. I'm interested in knowing how he developed this. He seems to me to be a pretty down to earth dude from the couple of interviews i've seen.

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I don't like the show because I find it to be quite boring... As for the characters being funny, I would disagree... Most of the people on that show rub me the wrong way. I can't see where they're coming from, and to be honest I don't care either. The dad is overly stupid, the mom is a bitch, Brett couldn't be less interesting if he tried, the cops are too dumb to pass the second grade, let alone protect people and solve crimes. The chick with the lisp is a know-it-all, the young dude is almost as dumb as the cops, and the chick that runs the coffee shop is almost as interesting as Brett's character... Wow, can I please tune in to watch a bunch of losers every week? I didn't watch Friends, pretty much for the same reason, so why would I tune in to watch this crap?

As for Brett being Canada's "it" comedian, I don't think you understood what I meant. I mean Canada's biggest comedian at the moment. The fact that he's Canadian, and that people are proud of him for it, is moot. Shaun Majumder (sp?) was the it comedian for awhile, and he was actually funny. Mike McDonald, Colin Mochrie and Rick Mercer were all in the position that Brett finds himself in now. Other than you, h, I can honestly say no one I know watches Corner Gas or finds Brett's stand up funny. I'm saying I don't understand why Brett has been raised to the level of these other (better) comedians. Just personal taste here, but I'm far from a fan...

As for Canadians not celebrating good things that come from here, I would disagree. The real problem is how people find mediocre homegrown talent to be better than it actually is, based on the idea that they're "supporting Canadian talent". The fact is, if something is good, it's good. It doesn't matter if it comes from Canada, the USA, or wherever... Why is it that we feel the need to mention that something is Canadian when it reaches any sort of level of success? Pathetic... Are we that hard up for attention that we feel the need to show that we're as good as any other country? I love seeing Canadians be successful on the world stage, I just don't believe we need to beat the point to death that a Canadian did it! Let's face it, if Corner Gas was really, really good, it would have been picked up by an American channel, instead of being shown on CTV and the Comedy Network...

I'm glad you like the show and watch it. Someone has to, right? But to question why I (and others) don't dig what Brett's doing is ridiculous. Maybe if you had seen his stand up, you'd understand where we're coming from a little more...

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As for Canadians not celebrating good things that come from here, I would disagree. The real problem is how people find mediocre homegrown talent to be better than it actually is, based on the idea that they're "supporting Canadian talent".

whoa, where is zero when ya need him ... i see this statement and i can't help but remember the days of yore ;)

Nice rant by the way. Nothing like the quality of television to bring out the fun!!

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i'm not questioning why you don't like the show any more than you are questioning why i like it. Fact is i watch it occassionally and i like it because i think characters are funny ya. Today though, I dont care about the fight enough to reread what i wrote or to actually read carefully and form an opinion on what you've written. But i wanted to acknowledge that i've seen your post anyway. Generally i just dont believe in spouting out about how much stuff sucks all the time.

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How many people do you know that watch it Booche? How many people do you know that talk about it? h made a comment about not understanding how I couldn't like the show, combined with some general comments about Canadians. I responded with my opinions. If that's "whiney" then I'd rather be whiney than adding [color:"purple"] brilliant comments like your's...

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