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Hey Ottawa


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Hey just moved here.... I've been told theres a wickd jamband scene out here but I can't seem to find you guys! Can someone put be back in the loop! I feel like a fish out of water being a hippie in a government town! What good shows are coming up... when... Where can i meet some real people ??

-The oh so uncool

Stella Blue

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welcome SB! where did you move from?

at the moment i can't think of what the next show in town is, but keep an eye on the board and you'll be well informed. careful though... it's addictive! :)

edit: i just noticed that wassabi is playing this friday... wait that's next friday.. april 8th. check the wassabi thread for the venue...

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Stephen Franke is at Maverick's/Dekcuf on April 16th, Ladysmith Black Mambazo is in town the following Sunday at some church, and if you can hold your breath until the first weekend of May, JSB will be at Maverick's.

Real (weird) people seem to hang out at Irene's, which is a nice bar.

Welcome to Ottawa, buy a bicycle.

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Welcome aboard, Stella!

As for events in the next few weeks, here's what I know of:

You should also listen to CKCU this Thursday (March 31) at 9:30pm for a jambands program, featuring bouche and others.



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Hey ALl, Thanks for the warm welcome. As for me I travel around alot no real homebase except Waterloo where I occasionally attend classes (lol!) Ok now I got a clear update on shows and places and where to find info... Thats wickd. Thanks!

"Did you mean starts with D and rhymes with Del?" haha Who is think of which you speak ...hmm .. I wonder....?

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