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Chastity vow


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Chastity--- I think that is something that was developed during a period where marriages were pre-arranged---

Personally, I think making love to someone is something that should be shared as much as possible. Why wait?? If you having great feeling of love for an individual, share what you feel every which way you can!

If this thread is a joke, well, dang--I'm


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Dusty Rhoades was the master of the fake blood patch... that bastard was bleeding in half his matches. Hehe!

Ah, the innocence of childhood

Actually the blood is real. Those fu©kin' morons used to cut themselves with razorblades out of their waistbands.

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Dusty Rhoades was the master of the fake blood patch... that bastard was bleeding in half his matches. Hehe!

Ah, the innocence of childhood

Actually the blood is real. Those fu©kin' morons used to cut themselves with razorblades out of their waistbands.

nahhh, u crazy. I'd have to disagree. However, i'd be interested to see what the final truth is on this matter. I mean i guess it's theoretically possible that I could be wrong...

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Loazlo is correct on this matte,r they still do it even now! I'm not a huge fan but a buddy of mine is and he got me to watch this behind the scenes show on it and they were hsowin g all their lil secretes and it is true they make little cuts on their forhead with a razor and it bleeds like a mother because its on the forehead

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Well, when I read the original post I could sympathize with many things that were said. Ideally it would be nice to share that with one person (other than yourself). I think in a lot of instances the 'love' has been taken out of making love. Now, someone might say well "i just wanna fu©k, not make love"... that's your perogative. But personally I have found that making love is more gratifying and satisfying all around (emotionally, spiritually, physically) than just screwing. I myself, have sometimes wished that I waited till I get married so I could share it with just that person and learn and explore with that person alone in comfort and trust...there are definitely some people I have been with that I wish I had never been with...they have a part of me now and I don't like that. Either way, kudos to your choice if it feels right for you. But I must say that if you claim to believe in God and follow him, then judging others on this board and calling them sinners is wrong (...judge not lest ye be judged...) and the Bible also says we are all sinners so don't get all high holy.

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Ok, I have to respond to this chastity business. If you feel that remaining chaste until you're married is the right move for you, then do as you will, I admire you for your conviction and commitment to your ideals; but please don't muddle the teachings of Jesus or force your views on others. I don't claim to be an expert, but having been raised in a christian family with two ministers in my extended family, I've learned a fair bit about the failings in the church's interpretation of the bible. First, the bible teaches that chastity is a virtue, as in remaining a virgin. It doesn't make any kind of distiction between married and unmarried sex in reference to being chaste, so the notion of remaining chaste only until marriage will keep one virtuous only until the wedding night. The situation is different of course for women, as the bible is a great source of misogyny and repression of women. According to the bible, a woman who has sex out of wedlock is a harlot, and as such is guilty of fornication. This does not apply to men, for whom it is not a sin to have premarital sex. I should point out that fornication is a word of disputed meaning. Some define it as adultery, bestiality, homosexuality, or sexually immoral behavior (harlots); others say that it applies only to the use of sexuality in worshiping false idols, such as in fertility rituals. The most common modern definition of fornication as simple unmarried sex is likely farthest from the meaning intended by those who used the word in the bible. Adultery is another good example of the double standard for men and women. A married woman who has sex with anyone other than her husband is guilty of adultery, while a man is guilty of adultery only if he has sex with a married woman. As for birth control, many churches have recognized that contraception is not specifically forbidden by the bible. They contend that it is not contraception itself that is a sin, but rather the spirit in which it is used. In general, much of the church's anti-sex type teachings are a product of reformers such as Calvin and Augustine, not Jesus. Please remember that although the bible is often referred to as the "word of God", it was in fact written by men, with all their subjective interpretations and cultural biases included. Years ago I was picked up hitch-hiking by a former priest who had left the church and he made an interesting point... he said the bible is like a signpost pointing people in the right direction, but that most christians are standing around clinging to the signpost.

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