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moe. kicks a$$!!!

mark tonin

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I was at Encore Records yesterday and picked up moe.'s Wart's & All, Volume 3 (11/13/98 at the Vic Theatre in Chicago). I'm only 3 songs into the first disc and wow, does this band rock! I haven't listened to much moe. in the last 6 months but after listening to the first part of this show I will say that moe. once again gets my vote for the best "pedal-to-the-metal psychedelic rock band" out there.

And holy shite, can Rob Derhak play the bass!

moe. and The Allman Brothers Band at the amphitheatre this summer is going to be intense!

Peace, Mark

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Not disputing your claim Mark, but I find it funny it took a show from 1998 to make you realize that... Have you heard the Ottawa show from last year? 2004-11-10? That restored my faith in them again, even if the 2004-11-11 show the following night was pretty bad...

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Hey Del,

I have said in the past, both on this board and to others, that in my opinion moe. is the best pyschedelic rock band out there. Hence the reason why I used the phrase "once again" in this line:

I will say that moe. once again gets my vote

But it's been a while since I've had any moe. in my cd player. The purchase of Warts & All Vol. 3 was a spontaneous purchase decision that I'm glad I made ... I'm reminded of how much I like this band!

And I haven't heard last year's show from Ottawa. Come to think of it, it's probably been more like a year (rather than 6 months) since I listened to the band. Where does the time go?!? So much great music, so little time.

Peace, Mark

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Hey Del, reading your post again, it seems like moe. wasn't doing it for you for a while ...

That restored my faith in them again

... whereas for me, it wasn't really a conscious decision not to listen to them because I wasn't digging them, it was more just a case of me listening to other stuff over the last year.

In any event, I'm enjoying them now, even if it took a show from 7 years ago to get me listening to them again!

Peace, Mark

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with 18 shows under my belt, and no good reson to quit counting yet, moe. remains one of the premier bands within a sea of talent in rock music today. everyone in that band brings something to the table and they rock incrdibly hard because of it....and they know how to throw a festival dammit!!

Viva Los moe.!

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moe. rocks - but when they're off it makes me think 'this is why people don't take jambands seriously'

however - every time they play ottawa they tear the roof off. i'd suggest you check out the show from 2003 as well, mark - nero opener.

dave sat in...holy schnikes!

as for last year's fall run - the night before AND after ottawa were crappy. sorry to everybody that liked toronto...but we don't see eye to eye on this one. toronto sucked. the opera house was yet another disappointment - sound, security, and vibe - and montreal...early show? short early show?

i missed the whole thing while jammin' with some fine musicians...as far as i know the music i made in that rehearsal space would have tore that short moe. show another asshole - and considering i'd barely slept the night before and was stretched thin after a night of madness and some driving, i was impressed with myself.

you should hit up moe.down this year mark.

moe.down is my favourite jamfest - i think you'd love it.

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i missed the whole thing while jammin' with some fine musicians...as far as i know the music i made in that rehearsal space would have tore that short moe. show another asshole

Yes, Tala is definitely on par with moe. in terms of musical ability. Add Canned Beats on bass and watch out!

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I like moe., but I have a really hard time making the leap to "loving" moe. I think there's something lacking in their songwriting (as in, none of their songs reach me in a way that songs by songwriters like Garcia/Hunter, Dylan, Young, Mitchell, Thompson, etc., etc., etc. do). There's an emotional quotient that is missing that I have a hard time getting around.

I'd also really like it of they could maybe "slow down" once in a while. I find too many songs have too many wailing, screeching guitars and are mostly all very up-tempo.

Having said that, I haven't heard a studio album since Tin Cans and Car Tires, haven't seen them play live in about four years (have seen them about six times, though), and haven't listened to a show... um, ever, I think. I do have the live album L though (and it's companion, L Version 3.1, but they don't get much play around my apartment.

Hmmm... maybe I don't like moe. that much after all. Talented players, though.

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Have you heard No Doy yet hamilton? It's about the only moe. CD I consider playing on a fairly regular basis. Some of the songs on there are not as uptempo, and have better songwriting than most moe. I hear. I like moe. but I don't consider them to be one of my favorite bands. I don't think I'd travel further than Montreal to see them... (Other than moe.Down, which I'm hoping has a decent bunch of artists on the bill as well)

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No Doy was the first moe. album I bought - it was new at the time, and I think I listened to it quite a lot. I haven't listened to it more than once or twice in a few years, though.

It's not so much that I don't enjoy it, but I absolutely never have the urge to put it on. And when I hear them live, I enjoy it for a while, but about 3/4 of the way through the show I'm saying to myself, "Okay, I've heard enough of white guys wailing endlessly on guitars."

I guess that maybe what I should have said earlier, in addition to the constant driving tempo, is they need to have more *space* in their tunes. I think that I find that moe. really fills up the entire sonic palette all the time - too many notes from too many players, basically. I mean, they do it really well, but I guess my ears get tired, or I need the music to be less busy - fewer notes (or more chords).

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however - every time they play ottawa they tear the roof off. i'd suggest you check out the show from 2003 as well, mark - nero opener.

dave sat in...holy schnikes!

Canned Beats, that's a show I was fortunate enough to be at ... what a special night that was!

I wish that I could make it to moe.down, but the timing of the festival just doesn't work for me ... I like to have at least some of my wits about me when I walk into the school to start a new school year!

hamilton, I agree with your comments about moe., except that when I'm in the mood, I love the heaviness of the band, the barrage of notes, the "pedal-to-the-metal" approach that the band takes when playing rock music that still has some groove to it. It's a style and approach to music that I love at times ... not all of the time, but sometimes ... and moe. plays it as well or better than other bands I've heard.

Peace, Mark

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beets - why are you such a prick?

i never said WHO it was...however, after i heard nothing but complaint about the entire ordeal in montreal - and how unpumpoed everybody was after the show, i think there are only 2 other people that could confirm or deny the necessity of the asshole-ectomy.

but the posts you've made sure confirm that procedure is duly required around here.

so what if tala's not in the 'upper echelon of jamband'...the music we made was still fulfilling to me, especially since it was just a jam. i had a blast and i think that if i'd been at the moe. show i would have been disappointed that night. that's all i really care about.

i still think tala rocks. they aren't able to keep a bass player long enough to get into anything all that solid - as far as a band situation is concerned.

i was more diappointed that i had just eaten my drugs when i got to the show and found out it was over.

all in all i had a great time in montreal.

too bad you're trying to be a downer, beets. you won't get a valentine with an outlook like that.

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I actually travelled to rochester to see my first moe. show in '95. They blew me away completely.. but something about their raw/shredding sound back then that kept me from getting into the band full tilt.

I stopped listening to them for a few years and must admit their sound has changed significantly since 2000. Less raw, in your face jamming..

They've always been one of the better bands at segues..IMO.

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