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American Dad... Thoughts?


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I liked it... Not insanely funny, but much better than the pilot episode... Still, not nearly as good as Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy or South Park, but I'll still be watching it... Did anyone else like it? Hate it? Just curious what everybody thought...


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it's pretty derivative of the family guy, i will concede that the fish was funny as hell, but you could see the jokes coming a mile away...i will give it another chance, but i don't expect to be rearranging my life to fit it in a la the Simpsons....

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Saw it for the first time last night. Kinda formulaic, a bit too much like Family Guy, but still a nice gritty edge to it. Certainly a different calibre of humour - more to the South Park side of things than to the Simpsons.

Only caught the second of the latter shows last night. "Left Below" - :D!!!!! I've sat through both Left Behind movies ("research purposes"), and I'm glad the Simpsons writers were able to share my pain.

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The voice of "American Dad" is "Brian" from the Family Guy and the music cues/score are from the same composers and are too similiar to "Family Guy". Working in animation, these things jump out at me quickly. The scripts/plot need more work and the character development is in it's early stages.

"Family Guy" was one of those unique shows that everything "fit".

Seth was at a family get together and when one of the women was leaving she turned to the four-year old and said "See you later" and the four-year old replied "Yes, I'll see you in hell!" or so the story goes. This was the "birth" of Stewie and Family Guy.

Last night' Family Guy start to end was a big ACES-THUMB'S UP IMHO.

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Oh so many moments....the first time I caught an episode of FG was at 5:00 in the evening when it first aired and one of Stewie's classic quotes was "Now pick me up and shake me like a British nanny" which was aired at the same time as the much-viewed trial of the British nanny in Massachusetts. I was laughing myself silly but at the same time couldn't believe what I was hearing. Talk about crossing lines!!!

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