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Did anyone go to Scottypaluza?


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I heard a rumour that it got canceled half way through the festival!?!?

Apparently not enough people showed up, they ran out of money to pay the bands, and canceled the rest of the music.

I'm not sure how many people around here are following the US festival news, but it looks like many are in trouble... Hobstock was also canceled last week...

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There are waaaay too many festivals this summer, and they all follow the the same format:

1) a couple of top notch jambands

2) a bunch of lower-level jambands, up-and comers, Dead cover bands, etc.

3) a few reggae/hip hop/electronica/bluegrass/folk/alt-rock bands for eclecticism

4) it takes place in Butt-Fuck-Nowhere USA and they expect 10,000 people to show up...

It doesn't surprise me that promoters are losing their shirts.

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seems to me like more of those bands should have come up north - toronto, ottawa, etc.. - to play instead of playin' so many festivals in the states...that'll learn em'

Looks like bonnaroone may be in the shits as well????

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That doesn't sound promising! I'm sure Bones can enlighten us when he finds a computer.

I don't know anyone that went. Davey-boy and Catphish were ready and willin', but I couldn't get a hold of Scotty on thursday to get them on the list. If what you say is true, it's a good thing they didn't risk it.

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Any more news on this, or any links people can point to for more reading?

I think Scottypaluza has been going for a number of years ... this is sad news if true.

There are lots of festivals ... maybe too many.

I just went to the Hobstock web site and it doesn't say it's cancelled, but the web site certainly makes it seem like it is.

And heck, Phish didn't even sell out their Deer Creek shows right away ... have they now?

The market is only so big, and people only have so much money to spend.

Having said that, from what I know Hookahville went really well, and the May Come Together Music Fest had a solid turnout.

Just rambling ...

Peace, Mark

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i wonder if the rave act has anything to do with it? if i was a promotor in the US and they passed that law id be kind of worried to throw a big hippy fest, i can tell u that much.

the fact that phish didnt sell out the creek amazes me as well, i thought those tix would be the one show that woulda went out first, oh well goes to show what i know.

maybe the gorge is the big show this tour

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regarding Scottypaluza, I liberated this message from a New Deal message board (www.navidrome.com).

tND rocked the stage friday night! There was quite a turnout and people were just LOVING it... It was great to see people just grabbing their heads cause they almost couldn't take those beautiful buildups and swells towards the break of a new beat I really think a lot of people were turned on to the new deal that night, and I'm pumped about it! I personally had a great night on friday, I got to see Dave for a bit, and there were some sweet late-night sets going on in the lodge. and then came the rain... and let me tell you, it POURED from late friday night to early sunday morning. Didn't stop at all. We were making the best of a rainy situation and trying to keep dry and warm and check out bands indoors while saving our energy for saturday night's latenight festivities. I'm not quite sure what the reasons are, there were so many rumors flying about, but saturday night's latenight sets were cancelled and allllll the music sunday was also cancelled. We all got booted on sunday (when the weather cleared up and the sun finally came out! ). So we all packed up and headed out... and I was pretty disappointed about it. Sunday was looking to be a fine day of music, AND there was a drum circle lesson-type thing that I wanted to check out. All in all, I think a lot of cats left soaking wet and disappointed in the lack of music. I still managed to have some fun though - KatieK

So, there's at least one account of what went down.... [Frown]

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