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Question about SENS PPV to all the suckers that actually pay for it.

On tuesday i was out at a pub and of course the sens ppv game is on. between the 2nd and the 3rd they had an interview segment where you could see the rink between the two chumps, it was dead absolutely no one in it..

do they really tape in between period segments before the game or did the ottawa faithful leave during the 2nd?

i couldnt hear what was being said or anything but it seems like a pretty shit deal not to get in-game comments between periods..

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the just moved everyone that was in the background out of the way so as not to distract the eye

they do have in game comments, as well as other segments such as pre-taped interviews. no idea if they are always pre-taped. HNIC, TSN, Sportsnet all rely on pre-taped stuff. Nothing unusual there.

the people that run the PPVs really need to get their shit together though. There was a big stretch with no commentary. Which was OK, but they still manage to fuck something up every broadcast.

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they do have in game comments, as well as other segments such as pre-taped interviews. no idea if they are always pre-taped. HNIC, TSN, Sportsnet all rely on pre-taped stuff. Nothing unusual there.

the people that run the PPVs really need to get their shit together though. There was a big stretch with no commentary. Which was OK, but they still manage to fuck something up every broadcast.

I realise that everyone does pre-taped stuff but when you do it with an empty rink from the press box it is retarded.

That would be like pierre doing an interview from between the benches and between the periods with no one in the rink.

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i dunno, i don't direct the show. i like games with commentary and without and i don't care if something is pre-taped or not.

just sucks that they can't figure out how to do something as planned when they are charging people money for it.

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Why do you think PPV viewers are suckers?

continually paying money for an inferior product maybe?

Would you pay money to watch a Habs game then? Unless you think that's an inferior product too.

the production of the game you asswhipe.

and no, if the habs were trying to make me pay, what 7$ a game or so or 10$ or whatever price melnyk charges ya, i would not pay it.

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the production of the game you asswhipe.

Guess that doesn't bother me since I tune in for the game... not to see in between period bits in a packed arena.

hows that HD feed working out for ya? or the lack of announcers for a while..

jesus im not bashing the sens or anything but you think you would want to stop bending and getting fucked up the ass.

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i think everyone in rich stadium has trolled from time to time.. but the PPV question was serious.

i have issues with the PPV..

now last week with the NHL fan poll... that was trollin trollin trollin. and ollie didnt even bite. :(

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Actually one more PPV question before the puck drops - What is the cost? I looked for it the other night (curious about the price, had no intentions of ordering), but it didn't seem to be available on Rogers in NB.

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It's around $9.99 for regular and $12.99 for HD. I think it's only available in the Ottawa area. It's blacked out locally -- even on Centre Ice, which is the incentive to order the game.

What??? You order Centre Ice to get all the NHL games and they blackout local PPV events? That's bullshit. I have no idea if other teams do this, but what a load.

They charge more for HD PPV too??? How much shit do they have in there to dish out? Like others have mentioned here, if I was forced to PAY to see a game on TV it had better be damn perfect in terms of broadcast quality. Whether or not you want to hear the commentary if it goes out during a game I would be demanding my money back.

WTF is this game blacked out HERE on Sportsnet??? Damn, I remember when blackouts were solely used for the purpose of selling remaining tickets to an event (used to happen with football a lot). If it sold out, the blackout was lifted. The blackout would only be withing a certain radius of the event as to not penalize those who are obviously a little too far to get to the game easily.

I curse PPV hockey games ... damn them all >:/

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WTF is this game blacked out HERE on Sportsnet???

Probably due to Leafs territorial rights. I think all that shit is arcane.

I think Calgary might do PPV, not sure about any other teams. I hope it fails. I really can't imagine a lot of people buy it.

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