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That 3rd period was some fantastic hockey! Too bad Chris Neil is such bum, eh?

fack sakes.. I'll shaddup now. :P It's true, I was singing ole at the game and the habs were fucked when the sens scored the late equalizer. The sleeping giants woke up. It's so nerve racking to be a habs fan late in the 3rd period. They have a hard ass time closing games out. Great atmosphere though and great goaltending.

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Some of the better signs last night in the Buffalo contingent in front of us (where dude got hit in the face with a puck and lost teeth - at his first NHL game. Dude - if you're that close to the ice, keep your eye on the puck, not your mouth)

"HARPER - Abolish ALL Senators!"

"Emery - Pick on someone your own age"

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