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If you haven't bought the new GD DVD yet...


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... then check your local Walmart. Seriously. I think it was $19.99 for Truckin Up To Buffalo at the one in Ancaster. I don't usually shop there, but we had to take the throwaway cameras from our wedding there to be developed and was surprised to find it in their G section...

Much cheaper than ordering it from the Dead for $25 and paying $9 shipping (all US funds).

(I actually ordered it from DVDuniverse.com along with a children's music CD and got it for $13 US plus $2.50 shipping. I was happy with that price and it arrived on the day of release.)

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no Truckin up to Buffalo at the Ancaster Wal-Mart, or at the Mountain Plaza one... checked everywhere and got the staff to look... lady in charge hadn't heard of the title... they had a couple of others but was lookin for my heady Buffalo

walkin around Wal-Mart {shudder}

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Picked it up at the local Zellers today along with The End of the Road both for $19.99. Surprised the hell out of me as I was wasting time on my lunch. So check your Zellers and give your money to a Canadian store. Too bad I have to wait until the wife comes home from work before I give either a real watch.

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Yeah. Zeller's sounds just right. And if they run out, there's the Dead's site. And if you wanna save cash, there's eBay.

But Wal-Mart? I don't want to get too sanctimonious on you, as I buy hemp shavings for my guinea pigs there, but that's because I can't find them anywhere else, and they're the only thing I buy there, and they're not outsourced to far-east sweatshops. And, besides, it's [color:green]hemp. It almost -- almost -- balances out.

But buying ANY GD stuff at Wal-Mart -- no matter how economical -- well, you just have to ask yourself if the saving is really worth it. And why not spend the extra to buy it right from the Dead?

My wife and I have had this running joke for the past couple of years, ever since I bought one of those Gund Jerry dolls off eBay. When I first saw the doll listed, I imagined our own little one -- when she eventually arrives -- coming up to me and hugging the Jerry doll, saying, "But, Daddy, Jerry doesn't want to go to Wal-Mart!" We repeat the joke to each other when, say, we see Dubya on TV, or when we pass a McDonald's.

Go the extra distance, and use your powers for good.

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here here

Yeah. Zeller's sounds just right. And if they run out, there's the Dead's site. And if you wanna save cash, there's eBay.

But Wal-Mart? I don't want to get too sanctimonious on you, as I buy hemp shavings for my guinea pigs there, but that's because I can't find them anywhere else, and they're the only thing I buy there, and they're not outsourced to far-east sweatshops. And, besides, it's [color:green]hemp. It almost -- almost -- balances out.

But buying ANY GD stuff at Wal-Mart -- no matter how economical -- well, you just have to ask yourself if the saving is really worth it. And why not spend the extra to buy it right from the Dead?

My wife and I have had this running joke for the past couple of years, ever since I bought one of those Gund Jerry dolls off eBay. When I first saw the doll listed, I imagined our own little one -- when she eventually arrives -- coming up to me and hugging the Jerry doll, saying, "But, Daddy, Jerry doesn't want to go to Wal-Mart!" We repeat the joke to each other when, say, we see Dubya on TV, or when we pass a McDonald's.

Go the extra distance, and use your powers for good.

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