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Leavin' On A Jet Plane (Vegoose content)


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Well, my bags are packed, my flight's confirmed, and I think I've crossed everything off the "to-do" list: I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning. The last time I was in Vegas was for Phish in 2003, and, due to work schedules getting in the way, I flew in Saturday morning, and flew out Monday morning (the shows were Saturday & Sunday night; I also saw the moe. after-shows). I decided this year that I'd give myself enough time to enjoy Vegas, as Vegas, before the music kicked in full-time.

So I figured that, with having to blow a full day (pretty much) travelling, going on Monday wouldn't be enough time, so I backed it up through the weekend and settled on Saturday morning. I'm booked into the Paris (thanks, Basher!) for the stay, and should be getting there late afternoon. I don't have any particular plans, but I dig just walking around cities, so I'll spend some time doing that, flake out by the pool a good amount of the time (resting up for the weekend), hit a few good buffets, and enjoy the hospitality (read: free beer) offered to players of the quarter poker machines. :)

Basher, I'll leave a message for you at the front desk on Thursday or so, so we can hook up when you guys arrive.

Have a good weekend, week, and Hallowe'en, everybody; that's what I'm planning on. :o



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