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Sharron Jones

Im going home Donny

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I didn't enjoy her last show here...I found her between song banter to be extremely annoying, anti bush this anti bush that, this song is about Iraq, that song was about war...yadda yadda...If I wanted to go to a political rally I would have done so.

The funk was good though, I will say that, and musically alright, but again, and I'm sure I'll get shit on for saying this, Not worth 20 bucks IMO!

Edit to say...

and by no means does this mean I am a bush supporter.

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I've only heard good things and she's affiliated with Antibalas so you'd think she's of a relative caliber. Political banter at shows can often be a bit much (Franti), but we're Canadian. Imagine if you came from where she came from; it'd be hard not to rant. She's playing two or three nights in T.O. this weekend as well... maybe you'll get some reviews. Regardless, have a great show!

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I didn't enjoy her last show here...I found her between song banter to be extremely annoying, anti bush this anti bush that, this song is about Iraq, that song was about war...yadda yadda...If I wanted to go to a political rally I would have done so.

Even when I agree with the rhetoric I don't like it. It feels like they are pandering to a Canadian audience by bashing Bush. Cheap heat, if you will.

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I don't remember any political ranting when I saw them in Hamilton. Maybe it's because you're closer to the political action in the Capital City, rubberdinghy! That would have annoyed me though... just play some music, dammit!

From what I remember, the show was fun and funky - Sharon sure likes to boogie! I also recall some hilarious fake afros, big sunglasses and boas that night!!

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Howler....DeM and I are definitely in. Tix already bought.

We dressed up in Hamiton last year and it was a HOOT! We even danced on stage with "Miz Sharon Jones"! I really wouldn't miss this...too bad it;s a Tuesday though.

But I already have my new outift (courtesy Value Village!) and I'm hoping other peeps wanna play dress-up, too!

PM me gal and we can plan!

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