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Bluegrass in T.O. ?


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Hey ya'll.

This is another question in a multiple segment series of stupid questions you may expect to hear from the "new guy." Anyways, who likes bluegrass? Raise your hands. That being said, if you answered yes, you can put your hand down and help me out with this one question.

Where is the Bluegrass in TO?

* I've hear,d through word of mouth, of some "silver nickel," or something involving both a form of metal and currency, that hosts bluegrass nights. Somewhere around College and Bathurst on Spadina? I dunno. If you do. Tell me.

Thanks in advance.

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The Silver Dollar on Spadina, just north of College on the west side. Every Wednesday the band Crazy Strings plays traditional bluegrass. The kid on guitar is unbelievable and the main dude on mandolin is equally impressive. It's free and for some reason, the band attracts a large lesbian crowd.

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I think you mean The Silver Dollar Room, on Spadina, just North of College.

If you like bluegrass-ish music, you should definitely check out Creaking Tree String Quartet. It's more "new" than "blue", as far as grass goes, but it's great stuff. They used to hold down a regular Tuesday (IIRC) gig, but don't seem to have any shows scheduled at the moment.



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You're thinking of the Silver Dollar, it's above the Comfort Zone... There used to be some weekly bluegrass there (possibly Creaking Tree String Quartet?). I have no idea if it still happens...

Dude.... you're supposed to be stalking Amy Milan there! What happened??


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