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Avian Flu in Florida...


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now thats somethin for lazlo to worry about but i think the mass populus on north america are fine. as there hasnt been one single case in north america in a human, and the few cases in asia that were in humans, well they were all bird handlers


did you know its illegal to dump flu vaccine down the drain into the sewer? its because it has so much mercury in it as a preservative YUM YUM

you can totally cite religious reasons not to get the flu vaccine, ask for the forms, the doctor will shit when he finds out you KNOW about the forms

//end rant

for serious

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did you know its illegal to dump flu vaccine down the drain into the sewer? its because it has so much mercury in it as a preservative YUM YUM

for serious

Holy shit hippie. You are a fuckin' lunatic. Do you get up in the morning and believe your dreams to be fact? Someone's been building models. The preservative in the vaccine is sodium citrate, very similar to the saline solution found in IVs. Mercury is not nor has it ever been used as a preservative because it's poisonous. The reason you can't dispose of it down the sewer is because it contains a consentrated form of the flu virus which could spread into the water supply.

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Actually, the flu shot DOES contain mercury (see ingredients below on 3 common vaccines used).

Ingredients: (sources are manufacturers statements.)

FluMist®: (MedImmune) Live attenuated cold adapted virus*, allantoic fluid (egg white), sucrose, potassium phosphate, and monosodium glutamate. Source http://www.drugs.com/PDR/Flumist_Vaccine.html.

FLUARIXTM: (GlaxoSmithKline) Chicken embryos, virus*, sucrose, sodium deoxycholate, formaldehyde, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, octoxynol-10, Alpha-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, and polysorbate 80, trace thimerosal (<1.25 mcg mercury per dose). Each dose may contain residual amounts of hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate.

Fluzone®: (Aventis-Pasteur) Chicken embryos, virus*, formaldehyde, sucrose, octoxinol-9, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, Gelatin, thimerosal in the 5mL vials (25 ug mercury/dose), no thimerosal in prefilled syringes

Not to mention formaldehyde?? Okay. The flu shot, in my opinion is useless. People are scared into a frenzy by the media. First of all, the vaccine covers about 3 types of flu. There are over 200 different types of flu. Pretty pointless? why, yes, it is. Second of all, if you are in generally good health (i.e. not missing organs, do not have and liver, kidney or other organ disorders or are not extremely elderly) the chances of you dying from the flu are very slim. There are many herbs and supplements that can build your immune system to fight the chance of getting cold or flu, better than any vaccine. Also, just the stress of worrying about getting the regular flu or Avian hyped-up flu, could get you sick as stress wreaks havoc on the immune system.

For more info on vaccines look here:


My old professor from wild rose college (one of the leading herbalists in North america...blah blah blah..insert credentials) did not vaccinate any of his children. Some of them are my age or older and are healthier than the majority of the population. In fact, I know quite a few people who have not vaccinated their children due to the uncertainty of the possible side effects of the ingredients in vaccines. Now, whatever your choice is your choice. Personally, from everything I have learned, I see the majority of vaccinations unnecessary, especially when we have so many wonderful god-given plants, mushrooms, lichens, etc. on this planet that build the immune system way better than a vaccine.

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Actually, the flu shot DOES contain mercury (see ingredients below on 3 common vaccines used).

Ingredients: (sources are manufacturers statements.)

FluMist®: (MedImmune) Live attenuated cold adapted virus*, allantoic fluid (egg white), sucrose, potassium phosphate, and monosodium glutamate. Source http://www.drugs.com/PDR/Flumist_Vaccine.html.

FLUARIXTM: (GlaxoSmithKline) Chicken embryos, virus*, sucrose, sodium deoxycholate, formaldehyde, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, octoxynol-10, Alpha-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, and polysorbate 80, trace thimerosal (<1.25 mcg mercury per dose). Each dose may contain residual amounts of hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate.

Fluzone®: (Aventis-Pasteur) Chicken embryos, virus*, formaldehyde, sucrose, octoxinol-9, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, Gelatin, thimerosal in the 5mL vials (25 ug mercury/dose), no thimerosal in prefilled syringes

Not to mention formaldehyde?? Okay. The flu shot, in my opinion is useless. People are scared into a frenzy by the media. First of all, the vaccine covers about 3 types of flu. There are over 200 different types of flu. Pretty pointless? why, yes, it is. Second of all, if you are in generally good health (i.e. not missing organs, do not have and liver, kidney or other organ disorders or are not extremely elderly) the chances of you dying from the flu are very slim. There are many herbs and supplements that can build your immune system to fight the chance of getting cold or flu, better than any vaccine. Also, just the stress of worrying about getting the regular flu or Avian hyped-up flu, could get you sick as stress wreaks havoc on the immune system.

For more info on vaccines look here:


My old professor from wild rose college (one of the leading herbalists in North america...blah blah blah..insert credentials) did not vaccinate any of his children. Some of them are my age or older and are healthier than the majority of the population. In fact, I know quite a few people who have not vaccinated their children due to the uncertainty of the possible side effects of the ingredients in vaccines. Now, whatever your choice is your choice. Personally, from everything I have learned, I see the majority of vaccinations unnecessary, especially when we have so many wonderful god-given plants, mushrooms, lichens, etc. on this planet that build the immune system way better than a vaccine.

according to several doctors, a phycologist and a nuclear medicine technologist all of which I am close to, Canada does not use mercury in its vacinations - is this website from the states? Anywhoo just passing info along that I've been told - not arguing or do I think that I am in fact right - its just what i've been told....in any case I still don't want a flu shot...

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flu vaccines i don't believe should be mandatory. as mentioned previously, the chances of dying from the regular old flu is minimal unless your health is already vulnerable, and there are so many different "regular" flu viruses that it would be impossible for one vaccine to ward off against all of them. not to mention, almost every single person i know who has gotten the flu vaccine got the flu that same year. so no thanks for me. i'm glad it's available, but don't think it should be mandatory.

having said that, vaccines against serious diseases, the vaccines you get when you are a baby and a small child, i DO think should be mandatory in order to attend school (or go out in public, really!) and i am very glad they are.

i'm probably going to ruffle a few feathers with what i am about to say, but people not vaccinating their children is something that makes me really angry. there is no reason for diseases like polio and german measles to still be around today, and yet, we see cases popping up in communities where a large number of people do not vaccinate their children. those children are becoming deathly ill and crippled (polio) FOR NO GOOD REASON. the chance of a child getting a little bit sick from a reaction to the vaccine is minimal compared to how sick they will get if they get one of these diseases (or worse yet, how sick they will make others). one of the arguments i've heard against vaccinations is "well, those diseases are really old & they aren't even really around anymore, so the chances of getting them are really slim". that is the most ass talking one i've heard yet.

the ONLY reason there is a slim chance of getting polio is because almost EVERYONE HAS THE VACCINES.

in my opinion, it is not only ridiculously selfish but completely irresponsible to not vaccinate your children.

and maybe there are lots of plants & flowers & things like that that will help ward off these things, but until they are recognized by the gov't as effective against leprosy, polio, german measles, scarlet fever & all the other fatal illnesses we have managed to almost wipe out with vaccines, i'll be having my kids jabbed with needles whenever i can.

yes, we live a country where we do have choices about these things. and hey, if you want to not vaccinate your kids, that's fine by me. just keep them the hell away from mine.

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PP---I do agree with you to a certain extent. The thing that pisses me off is although certain plants have been used for thousands of years to boost the immune system and to ward off disease, the government (or other organizations) will not do studies/tests to prove this. This is in part because of "big pharma" having great control over "medicine" and the minds of the gov't.

YOu see, an herb already on the planet is not patentable, so the pharma companies try to take a chemical constituent from that plant and sythesize it in order to patent it and make money. The problem with isolating one constituent of possibly hundreds within a plant, is that it gives the risks of side-effects. The way the plant is, in it's original form with all the constituents, no matter how small, makes it balanced. Even those small levels contribute to the balance that lessens the likelyhood of any side effects. Now, I am not saying it is perfect because everybody's different. Some folks are allergic to certain things. Some herbs work better on one body than on another. That is the job of someone who is trained, to help figure out what is best for who.

Back to vaccines...yes, I do think people should have the choice whether or not to vaccinate. No, I do not think it is selfish if they don't. Yes, I think they should do their research on which ones are the safest and which ones contain things like mercury and decide from there.

I will not vaccinate myself or my future children with known neuro toxins. That is not selfish. That is looking out for the well-being and health of my children. The diseases that come from neuro toxiciy are often much worse to have/get than what you are vaccinating against.

If, when I have children, the vaccines do not have these toxins in them, then I will do more research and reconsider. I know that some of them already do not have these in them now and therefore I would consider having them done. But as for the others... Hell no.

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