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Skank community interview support


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Bradm made a suggestion recently that I hope to follow through with concerning conducting community driven interviews whereby Skanks can submit questions for us to use with interviews that we'll post in a new Interviews forum. I know this has been done before for random interviews, and rarely taken seriously but this will actually become a regular thing and it won't only be for online articles but to help with the Jamcast production that CoP and myself are currently working on.

Right now we are working on a Jamcast and we are in need of intelligent, interesting and driving questions *cough* Velvet *cough* to ask members of the Sisters Euclid.

This interview is going to be professionally recorded and mixed so remember that the questions can lead into a story. Not all questions can be used because we've already got some and we'll likely come up with more.

This thread will probably be closed after a few days.

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Seriously, I'd like to know why they seem to be only part-time musicians...unless someone here knows the answer?

I'll venture a guess - because it's fucking hard to bring in money to support yourself as a professional musician (esp. if you've got a family to boot). Breaks my heart to think of the number of killer players who have had to scale back because of basic cash flow.

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Seriously' date=' I'd like to know why they seem to be only part-time musicians...unless someone here knows the answer?[/quote']

I'll venture a guess - because it's fucking hard to bring in money to support yourself as a professional musician (esp. if you've got a family to boot). Breaks my heart to think of the number of killer players who have had to scale back because of basic cash flow.

I'm sure you're right--and I'd be interested to know if it was tried full-time or not. I think it's a valid area of exploration with the band! :)

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Done and done...as Kevin is a father of three this should make for a humorous answer ;)

Keep in mind folks that Ian, Rob & Gary are, IMHO, just as talented as Kevin but as we all know there's always one star that shimmers more than others and catches our attention...these guys, like all of us, have colourful personalities and given the chance to talk, have much to offer...

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I know the band allows shows to be recorded, so I was wondering how they felt about it, and whether they felt it's helping or hurting (or has no effect on) their efforts. (A secondary question, but maybe not interview material: would they consent to becoming part of the Live Music Archive? Pretty please?)

Oh, yeah, and could they learn "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" for the next time they play Ottawa?



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-Which side of the brain do you think you use most when you solo? How about when you write?

-You have a rare nerve disorder with your hands that you have managed to overcome. Did you start playing as a conscious effort to 'cure' yourself? Do you think you would have started playing otherwise?

-You've turned down gigs some people lie awake at night dreaming of. What is your dream gig?

-Tell us about the other guys in the band.

-Folk Alarm albums sound quite different from Sisters Euclid albums. What would be different if Folk Alarm did a Sisters Euclid song, and vice versa?

-What is your involvement on Roseanne Cash's upcoming album? With all the publicity around Johnny Cash right now this could be a huge cd. Think your phone will be ringing more?

-At a recent Orbit Room show Bruce Cockburn dropped by. Do you often have heavy musicians/famous people dropping by to check out the show?

-Who does your cover art?

-Do you practise, or do you just play?

-Do you find it hard to deal with guitar geeks drooling all over you and asking you what strings you use?

-What kind of strings do you use?

-You gave a workshop on slide playing the last time the Sisters were in town. Do you do that often? What was that experience like for you?

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Geez, you're interviewing the whole band?


-What's it like laying down chords behind a player like Kevin?


-What's it like laying down a heavy beat behind a player like Kevin?


-What's it like laying down a groove behind a player like Kevin?

Just kidding. I'll post when I'm awake.

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