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Looking for Canadian Election Blogs


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Man, I have got to read posts more carefully...on first scan, that "X" looked like a "K" to me...



Ok, I've read this a hundred times Brad. Either you meant to post this in another thread or it went way way way over my head. ;)

P.S. Still looking...

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I've had my lines ripped off by Andrew Coyne (on CBC), Chantel Hebert (in the Toronto Star), editorialized in the Ottawa Citizen, and am now told I'm to be syndicated on CTVs website.

Why read anything else? ;)


That said, I'm bored of it, and probably won't be posting anymore. Ha! Fuck you, people who lend me credibility that I don't deserve! :) I'm an ignorant hack and that was the point in the first place. Suckers, I swear.

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A buddy of mine has had the address of his blog in his MSN name for months and I didn't check it out until today, only to realize that it seems to be entirely about Canadian politics! The tagline claims that he advocates for the 'freeing of the markets'. If he means that in a Neoliberal sense, I cannot agree at all, but I haven't read too much of the blog so I'm not sure. At least it's a differing perspective. Check it out, he's a smart young bugger:


p.s. It seems that there are multiple contributors to this blog. The guy I know is Danny, he posts as Sgt. Peppers.

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Ouch. Oh my. Trying to squeeze a weekend's worth of irresponsibility into a few short hours Sunday afternoon is dangerous.

Also: Somebody needs to invent a PC-compatible breathalyzer (like they have for cars to prevent you from starting the ignition) that locks the keyboard if you blow over. For a civilization that both loves its technology and poisons itself recreationally, I think it is long overdue :)

The blogs I read daily are:

Paul Wells / Inkless Wells (Macleans columnist)

Monte Solberg (CPC Finance critic)

Warren Kinsella (former Chretien advisor)

Scott Feschuk (Martin speechwriter)

I used to read Andrew Coyne, too, but he is done.

Those are all 'professional' blogs. For the rest, I find:

The Canadian Bullet,



Progressive Bloggers

good aggregators. You can get a summary of a ton of stuff all at once, and just read the ones that looks interesting.

Funny how much attention the media is giving this stuff lately. CBC runs their "this week in blogging" segments, CTV is negotiating to syndicate blogs directly on their website, the Ottawa Citizen pimps its internal blogs constantly ...

In 2004, my impression of the blogosphere was that Canadian political blogs were the exclusive domain of bigots and not worth a second look.

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