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Cool site to discover new music!


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Someone mentioned this site to me and I've been digging it since. Its based on the 'music genome project' where this group annotated, in detail, the styles of a wide variety of music and cross-referenced them all to other artists with similar sounds creating a network of music.


Its totally free. All you do is type in the artist of something you like, then they describe the sound of that artist and create a radio station where they play songs from other artists in that network, each with its own description. I've been able to sample all sorts of stuff I would've never heard or been able to sample otherwise. Cool stuff worth checking out.

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I typed in the band Television and the site connected bands that are from a similar genre. I'm now going to buy albums from Galaxie 500, Yo La Tango and Luna ( a band that I've been wanting stuff from for almost a year ).

I'm listening right now to Richard Thompson ripping a solo on the famed Shoot Out The Lights.

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