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Canadian Political Leader debate on tv now.


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Did I hear that right? Did Martin say that the first act of a new Liberal government would be to change the constitution so as to make the "notwithstanding clause" unusable by the federal government to overturn supreme court decisions when it comes to charter rights?

I don't think I've heard anybody talk about consiutional changes at that level for a long time.



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Score at the half:

Jack Layton: Suffering from the "look at me, look at me" syndrome. I can't see him as prime ministrial until he shaves the mustache. Then he would look like Patrick Stewart and that I can get behind.

Giles Duceppe: What's the Bloc Platform again? Separation? Right. Next.

Paul Martin: Jesus, he looks punch-drunk. Sputtering and stuttering his way to a loss. Fact: Paul Martin is not the philosopher king I so desperately crave.

Stephen Harper: Somebody been coaching this guy. He's rocking back and forth like Stevie Wonder. He can barely stay in frame. Still, looking like the best option for a leader for the majority of Canadians. Just not me.

Fuck I would love someone to grow a pair of balls and call a spade a spade. Aren't these guys media savy enough to know that Canadians aren't watching anyway? You are going to get a minority government no matter what. Say something wacky, say something off script. GIVE ME DRAMA!!!!!!!!

Note: the following comments were meant in jest. All serious political opinions can and will be expressed after the submission of a written request. This means you.

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i hate this new format. while i don't want to see these guys arguing like they're on springer...i don't want this either. they should be able to respond to one another, to ask questions of one another.

and why are these questions, questions i would NEVER ask anyways? how do you submit q's to this thing...i've got a couple i would love to ask that depending on the answers would change my vote.

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A question from the Marijuana Party Headquarters that was never submitted to the debate:

So, this is all like, a lot of, like, he said, she said, crap...... ya know. And, the thing is, we were wondering, like, why didn't we get invited. We have people with things to say, and like, we totally know people who can manage cash and, like, make sure it gets into the right hands or whatever. So, just legalize it and let us step up, and like, we'll get in touch with these people that know all this shit and have all this pertenent shit to say and everything will settle down. And we just thought of something. If that guy wants Quebec back, why don't we just sell it to him. Imagine all the herb and extra cash we'd have to give to that guy my buddy knows who knows all of that shit about economics. Dude, think about it.

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Duceppe: I'd vote for him twice if I could. And then I'd do everything I could to make sure he didn't get his way in a referendum.

Martin: Hit the bricks punk. Maybe Chretien can give you a job when this is all over.

Harper: You suck. Fuck off.

Layton: Fire your writers. Speak like a normal human. Get some charm and wit.

Steve Paikin: You were great. Where have you been lately? You look like that tall guy from Antibalas. Big up yourself


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speaking platform-wise:

layton: my favorite (platform), but can't win. lots of common sense, maybe too much. Layton I believe without question, but would make up any excuse to never have to send him to Russia or China in person.

quebec guy: viva les resistance! one day we should drink something intoxicating and share stories! best of luck with everything!

my words to harper: "well I'm sorry sir... no I'm positive I really don't need a new vacuum cleaner. Yes, it probably is better than my vacuum and I can see how it could save me money but I still don't want one, or a special gift. I'm hanging up now." I really wish he was specifying gun crime and violent crime when he gets that twinkle in his eye, licks his teeth and cooes "manditory minimums...". and please don't call canada a northern european welfare state anymore. some people's children.

martin: the only guy who resembles the middle of the road and has a chance, that isn't creepy muthafucka Harper. Though I wish he wasn't talking handgun ban, though it sort of makes sense. sort of talk that can cost one an election, liberals aren't supposed to take away freedoms. otherwise I believe him much more than harper, whom I don't believe at all. Go Paul, its up to you buddy.

at least they all seem to love Canada, except Harper

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I love that Paiken was the moderator for this. I've been a fan of his for a long time, in many ways because of the way he can handle a panel, and he was excellent. I can't remember anyone else moderating a federal debate saying "OK, sounds like you guys have a lot to say about this, so ... what the hell, let's have another round" (paraphrase, obviously)

Funny thing about Layton -- he is capable of talking so naturally and so movingly, but in these formal situations where he sticks to one or two lines, I find it hard to listen. Last time it was "more New Democrat MPs" etc.. and this time it was "Seniors and kids". Bah. Be real. You're so good at it.

I found myself, disturbingly enough, laughing or nodding to Harper more often than anyone else.

In the 2004 debates, Duceppe seemed like the clear winner. Not so much this time.

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and please don't call canada a northern european welfare state anymore

RE: 'welfare state' ... yes, Harper meant it as a mild insult, given the audience he was speaking to (long, long ago) when he said it.

But it bothers me that this gets play as a legitimate insult. And Martin is giving credence to that. Canada is a welfare state. As is the US. That is what Roosevelt's New Deal was all about. It is one of their great legacies. I understand that in a lot of people's heads, 'welfare' translates into 'social assistance' and therefore all that baggage transfers over. But in academic and political circles, it means something much less specific, and something worthy of pride. And yes, it is similar to Northern European states.

Why the fuck is Martin pretending that this is something to be ashamed of? Yes, point out that Harper talks about being a welfare state as though it were something bad. But don't give that sentiment legitimacy by pretending that it is something bad, and that Harper's trespass was "Oh, Sweet Mercy", calling us one.

Martin, you asshole.

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ya, that is the first "big promise" in a long time... although, they just lost any hope of getting a vote in Quebec.

The thing is that Martin isn't talking about eliminating the ability of the provinces to use the notwithstanding clause, just the federal gov't's (and then only on "charter rights" issues, if I read Martin's comments correctly). Thus, the Quebec gov't would still be allowed to use it to keep Bill 101 in place.

That said, it's entirely possible that Martin's proposal could be misinterpreted in Quebec, and the distinction between federal and provincial use of the notwithstanding clause gets lost, which would, I think, cause concern among Quebecers.



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