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U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter in Texas


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WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, his spokeswoman said Sunday.

Harry Whittington, 78, was "alert and doing fine" after Cheney sprayed Whittington with shotgun pellets on Saturday at the Armstrong Ranch in south Texas, said property owner Katharine Armstrong.

Armstrong said Cheney turned to shoot a bird and accidentally hit Whittington. She said Whittington was taken to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital by ambulance.

Cheney's spokeswoman, Lea Anne McBride, said the vice-president was with Whittington, a lawyer from Austin, Texas, and his wife at the hospital on Sunday afternoon.

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Cheney Shoots Hunter, Repeals 2nd Amendment

[color:red]by Scott Ott

(2006-02-12) — Vice President Dick Cheney today accidentally peppered a 78-year-old hunting buddy with shotgun pellets during a quail hunt in Texas, injuring attorney Harry Whittington.

Filled with remorse over the incident, the vice president immediately repealed the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees “the right to bear arms.â€

“I’m truly sorry that I winged Harry when he blocked my shot at the quail,†said Mr. Cheney. “I now realize that gun violence is not just an inner-city poor problem, but rather an epidemic that can spill out of the ghetto and affect wealthy and powerful, elderly Americans.â€

The vice president said he has “directed President Bush to declare martial law and to repeal the Second Amendment temporarily, until we can get a federal court to declare the right to bear arms unconstitutional.â€

If the courts fail to rule in his favor, Mr. Cheney said he would at least pressure Congress to enact more stringent gun-sales background checks.

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This is from The Onion or something; right?


Some interesting takes on the news.

This one is good..

Snow Blankets East Coast Causing Global Warming

[color:red]by Scott Ott

(2006-02-12) — A thick blanket of snow that covered much of the northeastern United States this weekend may increase global warming by preventing the heat that radiates from earth’s molten core from escaping into the atmosphere, according to former vice president Al Gore.

Mr. Gore, a noted global warming expert who also once ran for president, dismissed suggestions that the biggest snowstorm in New York City history diminishes his case that the planet is warming at an alarming rate.

“First of all,†Mr. Gore said, “the reason for all of this snow is that greenhouse gasses trap reflected solar heat causing the polar ice caps to melt, increasing the volume of oceanic water that evaporates, then freezes to become snow. The warmer the planet gets, the more massive snow storms we’ll see.â€

The former vice president, former senator and founder of the red-hot Current TV Network, said the only solution is to remove the snow, not just from the ground, but from earth’s water cycle.

“We must pack the snow into giant containers and launch it into outer space,†Mr. Gore said. “Every day that George Bush fails to do this, the threat to Mother Earth grows exponentially.â€

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so on the Complicit News Network tonight, they devoted an entire hour to this story. They had a reporter in the "preserve" (?) where the accident happenned. he went out with a crew of hunters and a guide and talked endlessly about how hard it is to see quail when they fly in to the sun...the next strory was about how the White House hasn't put any spin on this story so far. next up, spotlight on kids and hunting, featuring a rural midwestern family with two tween daughters who hunt with their dad (and bag a deer on TV!!)


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