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Melvin seals & JGB Tour dates


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Tour Dates


Brookdale Lodge

Brookdale, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB


Blue Lake Casino

Blue Lake CA,

Melvin Seals & JGB


The Sweetwater

Mill Valley, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB


Club Taboo

Eugene, OR

Melvin Seals & JGB


Hawthorne Theatre

Portland, OR

Melvin Seals & JGB


Private Event Canada

Whistler, BC

Melvin Seals & JGB


Mangy Moose

Jackson Hole, WY

Melvin Seals & JGB


Whiskey Jacques

Ketchum, ID

Melvin Seals & JGB


Tahoe Biltmore

Tahoe, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB


That Matters Festival

Marysville, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB


Taste Of Summerfest

Waukesha, WY

Melvin Seals & JGB


Belly Up

Solana Beach, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB


Coach House

Solana Beach, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB



Ojai, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB


The Grateful Garcia Gathering

Black River Falls / Wisconsin,

Melvin Seals & JGB


The Grateful Garcia Gathering

Black River Falls/Wisconsin,

Melvin Seals & JGB


Dead On The Creek

Willits, CA

Melvin Seals & JGB

I havn't seen these guys since 1998, It Sure was Fun though.

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Why the JGB s=thing still? I mean I love Melvin Seals. Great player. But put the JGB to bed already it's like 10yrs+ since Garcia died.

I'd much rather go see a Melvin Seals band show.

Not me. I'm so not bored of Jerry Garcia Band, nor do I mind that Melvin uses JGB as the name, although he should call it "Melvin Seals and the music of JGB". Whatever! Considering all the time Melvin spent with the band and that now he probably gets no royalties from it, for him to cash in a bit and provide me with some of my favourite tunes??? Again... whatever!

So PLEASE Stone Mtn. PLEASE let me know if you find anything out 'cause I'd love to go. I sent Deke a message to see if he knows anything and I'm waiting to hear back.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I wonder Who is going to the Private Party in Whistler.

I've been working on that conundrum for more than a month. I plan to be one of those people; if I can figure out where the event will be.

Found it.

I can't spill the beans right now, but I know where this is happening tonight. It is well-known that I would like an invitation, but I'm not holding my breath. (I may not even go anyway, for entirely unrelated family reasons, but If I'm invited, well, probably...)

I'll post the details tomorrow. I'd be breaking my confidence from someone else if I told about this now. (Sorry p.p.)

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As expected the invitation never came, and I spent last night at home.

I suppose there's now no harm in spreading this.

Apparently, there is this group of American billionaires who fly to various ski resorts around the world, and party together. They spend hundreds of thousands on parties while they're at each of these places, and last night it was Whisler. JGB played their private party at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler in the Ballroom. (A friend of mine did the photos, and he had planned to case out the scene, and see if it would be possible to get me in at the last minute. Apparently, it wasn't possible.)

So, too little; too late ... there ya go.

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There is actually more to this story, now. Apparently JGB had nowhere to be for five days after the show I mentioned above. They told a friend of mine that if someone could set up a gig for them to cover their expenses, they’d love to stay in Whistler for a few days.

I arranged for another friend to call the owner of a local bar/musical venue. She knew him quite well, which is why I had her call, instead of me. Perhaps she didn’t explain very well, but the reply was, “No thanks. I already have a Grateful Dead cover band scheduled for next week.â€

Some people just don’t get it.

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As expected the invitation never came, and I spent last night at home.

I suppose there's now no harm in spreading this.

Apparently, there is this group of American billionaires who fly to various ski resorts around the world, and party together. They spend hundreds of thousands on parties while they're at each of these places, and last night it was Whisler. JGB played their private party at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler in the Ballroom. (A friend of mine did the photos, and he had planned to case out the scene, and see if it would be possible to get me in at the last minute. Apparently, it wasn't possible.)

So, too little; too late ... there ya go.

Yeah, that was an awesome party! I love these little get-togethers me and my buddies have. Sorry I didn't call you while I was in town StnMtn but I had to get to Paris for some breakfast (I know this great omelet place).

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