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newfoundland weather (shovelling)


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last week we got 72 cm in one storm...it was recorded as zero visibility for six consecutive hours with winds at 100km/hour.... i had to shovel a foot of snow out of my hallway (snow blew under my door)....

this week our forecast calls for snow today, tomorrwo, friday, sat, and sunday.


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Cheese And Rice!

The storm that's headed your way within the next few days is a biggun too. My sympathies go out to ya. Being an avid "weather network" viewer it seems as though you folks out east have had an unbelievably harsh winter. It's as though you get a blizzard or blizzard like conditions once a week. It's been relatively calm here in Ontario. Just a little Cold Rain And Snow.

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AHh i miss living in halifax

hurricanes...snowstorms...2003/04 was a good year to go out there AND live in residence...we never lost power while the rest of the province was out for more then a week...a very cool experience.

hang in there dancingbear

jared...did you live near the oland brewrey?

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