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HOLY sh!t! post #1000....a few thanks yous are due.

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i'd like to take this special moment to thank a few people:

i'd like to thank bouche for running this great site and being so damn good lookin.

huge thanks to the shainhouse for being my closest jambands.ca friend and for letting me crash on his couch....

HUGE HUGE HUGE thanks to canned beats for that lovely dinner and the ride to ottawa->montreal->back to toronto for the moe. run....he didn't even make me follow the book...which i was totally willing to do.

thanks to Passedoutguy for being that guy i say hello to at shows in toronto. ;)

i'd like to thank miss huxtable for being so fine.

big thanks to the nero crew (band and others...)for introducing me to this community

big ups to booche for touching my goodies that time we got wasted in mexico....i'll never forgot the time we shared

lastly, i'd like to take this time to thank newrider for being my nemesis...

to all those who i forgot to thank, i say this....

there are two kinds of people in this world...those who get thanked and those who are useless....you are the latter...to quote the wise and honorable JAY-Z

"i won't even waste half a bar....fuck ya'll niggas"



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holy fuck - first thing in the morning a little foggy after a thursday night out and the first post i open i'm greeted with a huge nipple in my face. jezuz... not complaining about it because its there really its just becasue i'm at work so i've minimized my viewing window a bit so as to not be noticed online so imagine the viewing window being small enough so when you open a post the avatar is most of the screen and almost the only thing you see.

So now that i've turned avatar display off for today...

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you dima for waking me up this morning. who needs coffee when i've got people like you around to brighten my day!

(note that the next post i opened was one of lazlo's posts if you'll all notice today i believe that's an ass crack....double wammy for my morning)

so to recap - foggy brain morning wake up call with ass crack and nipples ---- yeehaw


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i used to like dima, we met last year or maybe even before that around at some shows through a friend of his and i might point out at this time dima just like POG i've always said a hey, hello, hi, and even the odd chit chat at times and whatever and what do i get.


Weeeeellllllllllll i see how it is.

whatever. fries and gravy to you too - thanks!!

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oh don't get me wrong i very much enjoyed the dima/lazlo nipple/ass crack combo eye opener i got this morning.

as for the useless thing i agree i'm useless and bring nothing to the table in this relationship...i only heckle him when i see him anyway i think. assume the above mentioned 'useless' rant of mine was in purple.

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