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amazing movie..


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watched it last night, What the BLEEP do we know

anyone else seen it?

very metaphysical, deals with alot of quantum physics, blew my mind.

like how you can concentrate on water and change how the molecules look under a microscope, some japanese guy did the study, amazing.

how 1 thing is in 2 places at one time, amazing

how you create every day, because matter can be in 2 different stages until you look at it, therefore making it real.

very hard stuff to type out here at work under the floro's, but i HIGHLY reccommend this flick to anyone who likes to think.


how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

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kinda interwoven with the abortion thread, how the guy says the world is in a battle of good and evil, the movie states there is NO good OR evil, there are simply possibilities that will evolve you, or possibilities that wont evolve you.

fuck i should be working

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The water crystals blew me away. One of my favorite ideas from there is when they talk about what's real. How do you know there's anything behind you until you turn around and see it. It might be there, might not be there. It could be entirely different.

Also, the part about how dreams and vision produce the same reactions in the brain is neat. How do I know I'm not dreaming this? How can one be sure that what's real is real?

My buddy Graz and I are big fans on this movie (watched it over 20 times last year).

There's a kind of part 2 out called Down the Rabbit Hole or something like that.

It's mostly the same as the first one but with extra footage and, I think (haven't seen it yet), less of the animations, more of the wicked interviews and insights.

For the string theorists out there, try The Elegant Universe which goes into that fairly nicely.

Also check out Waking Life for some great food for thought and absolutely incredible eye candy.

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DEFINITLY improved by getting baked, but its almost harder to swallow stoned, thats what i found anyways, harder to comprehend, but i smoked a huge friggin cracker to my head so there ya go.

gonna watch it again and again until we have to return it, havent even watched the bonus stuff yet

i really liked it. i think everyone should watch it at least twice

i think were gonna buy it and make every one we know watch it, dose em and inundate em with the shit

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When it comes to humans we were always taught in school that we have five senses. True(ish)... it's really just one sense. See here:

Taste: Based on touch: A chemical reaction on the tounge which sends signals to the brain producing a reaction

Smell: Small particles (pheremones, dust, pollen, oils) which contact sensors in the nose

Hearing: The vibration of air molecules which eventually cause a sympathetic vibration in tiny bones and musscles in the ears

Sight: The result of light touching/passing through the lens of the eyes... if you subscribe to quarks, or gamma radiation... light behaves as long/distinct packets of enegery which wash over us as a kind of 'super water'

Touch: Touch :P

So what is important in this is the constant... everything that we as humans consider as 'sense' is actually an awarness of (in this case) five continuous, and distinct subsection of one phenomenon... namely vibration based on what we have up until string theory came out, was based on particles...

Seems like with String theory, turns out particles are just points of harmony between the strings which everything is made of.

We humans, can see so little of the universe. But that doesn't mean it's not there.

Every human is a song.

One Vibration Mon.

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If you really want to learn about string theory, check out The Elegant Universe that I mentioned above. It's entirely about string theory but is a documentary rather than a movie/documentary hybrid. It's also a mini series rather than a whole movie.

By the way, I found both of those on torrents though I no longer remember where but it shouldn't be too hard, just go to mininova or isohunt or demonoid and search for them. Always remember that if you like it, buy it.

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Also check out Waking Life for some great food for thought and absolutely incredible eye candy.

I also enjoyed Waking Life. I just looked it up at imdb found this in the user reviews. Hilarious!

So, one may think that it would be ideal to view when under the influence of one or more varieties of psychoactive drugs. And, they would be absolutely correct.

But, as it can be VERY intense (depending on the substance ingested), one should be careful to be in a stable environment and amongst good company.

For example, if one decides to watch the movie about 1 hour after splitting (with a buddy) a half ounce of Ecuadorian mushrooms, make sure to keep an eye on each other. I would recommend chatting a bit during the movie, so as to not get completely lost (in one's mind) and also to best delineate some of the lessons which can be learned from such an experience. Just to be safe, watch the film again after everyone has sobered up. Although, you will most likely find that the movie will be unnervingly similar the second time around.

Have a great time!

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Yup. It's (Waking Life) a good movie because you really can trip out like that. If you haven't seen it, don't watch it sober the first time, enjoy the mind fuck and then watch it sober some other time to enjoy the dialogue. I've only seen it sober once but dude is right when he says watch it with a buddy when shroomin' cause it's a hell of a trip.

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this is so wierd. I just found a torrent for this after seeing a preview to part 2. Just this morning I was asking ms.hux if she'd watch it with me and I couldn't remember the name. Now HERE's a thread on it! How bizarre!

I love this material. I've read the Elegant Universe and I've seen Waking Life twice so I'm an expert on Quantum kookiness.

here's the clip that led me to the movie

It's very cool and it will freak you out a little...especially because this is documented from real experiments.

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By Masaru Emoto

Is one of the books mentioned in the movie, I read it last year and it is really amazing. It talks about the effect our thoughts, feelings and actions have on water.

One experiment took two water bottles and put them in the microwave. One was plain and the other had the word love taped on a piece of paper facing into the bottle. When they came out of the microwave the love bottle was unaffected and the other was scrambled.

A Buddhist Monk blessed a stagnant lake that was too murky to see the bottom. I forget how long he blessed it but the lake actually started to clear and the bottom became visible as people along the side watched it happen.

Considering we are 70% + water, it make me think if water reacts that way so do I, it has a lot of implications for healing ourselves and the planet.

I would highly recommend this movie, two thumbs up!

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all you need to know about water to realize just how freaky it is, is that when water freezes, the ice is LESS dense then the liquid water, so it floats.

If that didn't happen and lakes froze from the bottom up, there would be no life on earth or likely anywhere else.

Water is the only matter that behaves like this. Actually, read some of this

and watch and read this

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I just watched this movie the other day too. Interesting stuff indeed!

i wish i could link these pics, the water crystals


how this guy, dr Masaru Emoto found out if you concentrate or even tape a label onto a bottle of spring water, the crystals actually change form

thank you, you make me sick, love, gratitude, they all change how the molecules look

blows my mind

I found this part interesting, but it didn't convince me. One of the only things I remember from high school science class is that CORELATION does not equal CAUSATION. So he taped a piece of paper that said "love" onto a bottle of water. Where did he then put the bottle? There are a ton of other variables that could've changed the composition of those water molecules.. And I'm not sure if water can read.

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water can't read?

On the lines of fun shows like these, I just watched the first episode of the 80's series The Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Wow, it's absolutely mind blowing thinking about the things he talks about and there are still 12 episodes to go.

If you've never heard of Carl Sagan, look him up in Google. Pretty damn smart guy and he smoked weed to boot.

If you have a chance, I suggest this as a good watch too (hint: search demonoid.com])

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I've wanted to see this since I heard some of the people behind it being interviewed on The Arts Today on CBC a year or two back. Thanks for the further nudge.

Water... hm, too true what a completely simple and perfectly odd thing it is. It also makes a nice head-scratcher to think of glass as a liquid, with a really high melting point.

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