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I WAS FRONT ROW FOR VERNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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....and I'm really not sure if I'll ever recover!!!!

[big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

It was a wild ride, after 2 amazing nights in Camden NJ, including a fun day of touring Philly, ferry ride, sweet Italian Market area (that makes ours look tiny) enjoying a world-famous Pat's Cheese Steak, checking out Billy K's art show at the Philly Hilton, which was great, but last night.....we conquered our fatigue and made our way up to the front centre with about 3 tunes left in Willie's set.

My buddy LB and I had being jonesing for a Jack Straw opener for the previous 2 shows, and considering the Dead are playing in "Texas, 4th day of July" we assumed it would be saved for that show......about 5 minutes before they start, we see Weir come out to check his rig, pretty much out of view, we hit HARD on the "Bobby - Jack - Straw - opener!!!" pretty much yelling it in full volume in unison, his head turned when we yelled, and people around us started cheering when they clued in to who it was up there slightly out of view...there is no question the band could hear our shouts from that close....we had Phil going during Uncle John's (but that's another story)

By Coincidence, divine intervention, or in our hearts - our efforts - the gang opened with Jack Straw. We lost our shit. It was gold. A moment of sheer perfection, people around us couldn't believe it.

So, I'm a pretty happy camper!!! and I'm not shitting you about this! (doubt me and I'll throw booze on you tonight at Deckuf [Wink] )

Sorry to have missed most of you guys, saw Pottie and Velvet, but with our charge to the front, and staying up there the whole time (no drinks or piss breaks) there was really no chance to find y'all.....

Other highlights....

-Mama Tried, Mexicali and Race Is On bust-outs in Camden, perfectly played!! Race Is On was the shit,

-Greg Osby on sax for the full 2nd set Sat. night Camden, Eyes.......

-the lot scene at Camden, HUGE and kind....great venue too, great sound on the lawn, and a sweet view of the Deleware River and the bridge to Philly,

-Golden Road last night - MOMMA!!!

-getting chased by security at Camden with my balloons

....and I'm sure many more things as I recover....

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I have my own Jack Straw story!

My friend Darlene (Yellow Butterfly) and I drove down to Vernon yesterday morning via the 401 to Gananoque...but I turned off the highway too soon for some reason unknown to me, and stumbled upon a road sign..."Jackstraw Lane"!!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes....or ears..."We can share the women...we can share the wine..." Divine intervention beyond a doubt!

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It was nice to see all of you, and kinda meet you, Lady w/a fan........

We thought we were going to make it back to youse guys, but somehow, got caught up in the mess.

Yeah, I realy enjoyed the Estimated and the Samson alot last night. Definitely my highlight.

Cant beat a good ole Box Of Rain to send you home either!

And how about those Drumz?

Yet again....................

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Great stuff Hux, we saw Alistair at the border onthe way back, couldn't hear one another's shouts, but it was funny nonetheless

can't wait to hear your stories !

Oh and Lw/a Fan- Phishead5000 has a house off that road- it's the Thousand Island Parkway- we've had our eye on that Jack Straw Lane sign for about 10 years now...

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Yeah, I really enjoyed last nights show myself... maybe my favourite of all the other ones incarnations... however someone should mention to the band never follow up a mediocre song with a song that absolutley sucks because it just doesn't work.

Loved the second set... maybe the tightest set I have heard from the Other Ones, however I did cringe a bit during the Mississippi Half-Step (One of my favourite tunes, but there was no need for this new arrangement.)

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I found it fairly inconsistent, but what was good, was GOOOOOD.

Drop Night Of A 1000 Stars.

Down The Road in the first set, ruined me. I didnt like that, and it took away from most of the set. It was hard for me to get back into it, but I did have fun.

I really got into the second set, up to and including Space. Enjoyed Standing On The Moon, thought Bobby was respectful, but the Wheel was sooo terrible on the harmony front, that I missed the ensueing jam. Hated Half Step (so much, that I would want my money back if I had pre-purchased the show), and it took me a while to get back into the show from then on. The Dm jam in UJB certainly got me going again, and the encores were fun.

The light show in the skyline was wicked, Northern Lights all over the place.

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...that's funny, I really dug the new arrangement of 1/2 Step, with Phil and Joan doing the verses and Bobby singing the first line of the chorus, then the round stuff, I thought it sounded pretty cool, better than just one person singing it IMO....

...if you wanna hear the way they did it in '72 - listen to the tapes!! [Wink]

....the future's here - we are it - we are on our own....


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I like it too although Joan yelled out "help" at the wrong time. they did a good job of covering it up though. Loved the soulful Sugaree, even better than the Bonnaroo one. It should have ended there because Box of Rain seemed out of place. Sorry Phil.

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"if you wanna hear the way they did it in '72 - listen to the tapes!! "

Screw all that, I dont want to see a Tribute Band.

As the Comic Book Store Guy would say to you:

Worst argument ever

I want to see a band that can play and sing............

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"Screw all that, I dont want to see a Tribute Band."

....how are they a tribute band if they change up the song and play it differenly than it's ever been done before?? wouldn't a tribute band do it exactly how it "was" played.....talk about worst argument ever....

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Hux its too bad I missed you. I guess you were up front for the whole show?! I inched my way up to about 30 ft from center stage for willie...missed his first hat by about 5 ft. The people in front of me caught it.

Half way through though I had to get out, too many people. We hung out by the L/H set of lights close to the stage until 3 or 4 songs into the dead and then the crowd again...too much. We than hung out at the back for the rest of the show...GOOD TIMES!!!

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I had a fantastic time. I thought Willie was excellent, and played, what, 37 two minute songs? Damn good player, that Willie. I thought The Dead rocked, but I was pretty rocked at the time...let's just say I had a whole lotta fun. Stayed in a haunted room too, which kinda took the cake. Wasn't too scared though, 'cuz the ghosts were two ladies. [Wink] (did that work? My first ever smiley dude)

Too bad I drove 150km/h to get home in time to get to work Monday afternoon at 4pm. turned out I only had one student show up, and that wasn't until 6:30. Monday was a bad day!

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