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The trip of a lifetime:LSD


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I'll keep that 'beyond the within' series in mind...sounds interesting.

The whole clinicly insane thing...is just something I heard over the years and wondered if there was anything more than rumour to it. I'm pretty sure I agree about the predisposed and the baggage stuff. Though SUCKS for people who didn't know they were predesposed...nasty way to wake up imo.

Admittedly dosing when I was an early teen was way more carefree than it is now. Now I really find I need to be a bit more carefull about whos around, where I am and consider if anythings bothering me before diving in.

Definately a great drug to treat with great respect.


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Very true - having a good bead on your own state of mind/life going in is essential (though as you suggest, it's not always self-evident).

I remember seeing the Beatles doc All You Need Is Love way back when, and hearing their press guy Derek Taylor talking about the set-and-setting concern that had been formulated (cf. Leary) in the early days; he pointed out that there was a division of schools of thought between those who dove in pele-mele, in the most raucous environments with the dodgiest of company, and those who thought that the better choice of circumstances would be "in a field somewhere, with the Archbishop of Canterbury."

Still waiting to try that particular scenario out someday ;).

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Quote:I did 40g of mushrooms in one go once and became only too aware of my mortality. The effects they can have cannot be predicted and it's ridiculous to expect any meaningful research to come out of this....Ian Steele, Kettering, UK

I predicte that if you eat 40 grams of mushroom at once you will be VERY high.

my guess is he means 40g of fresh mushroom, which would equal about 3.5 to 4.5g of dried boomers. pretty damn good trip either way you cut it.

i think the mushroom study is a pretty good idear, i have had moments of complete clarity on a couple grams before, they ground you, being a natural product, they are NOT poison, not to sound too much like a trippy hippy, but they are a gift. they are a seeing tool. sure its possible to eat too much than you can handle, i dare ya to eat more than 3 grams of cambodians any day, you will feel the fear for sure. i think the folks in the study, term.ill patients, would definitly benefit from low doses of psilocybin as it lets you see your life, and the world around you, thru a different set of eyes, it opens more doors of possibilities i guess. i also dont like how LSD is so badmouthed, i feel like if you eat a wack of acid, and you have a bad trip, freak out, whatever, cant handle it, thats exactly it, you or your soul, or whoever controls you from the inside, isnt ready or pure enough to handle that much TRUTH.

read a quote once saying LSD was the cure to the atomic bomb lol

kinda scary that the amount of LSD the size of a grain of salt is enough to send you on a 8-12 hour trip.

you think thats scary, some families on the good old days of dead tour, wouldnt let you sell their paper unless you did a thumbprint off the crystal. like touching your thumb or chipping off a tiny little chunk of pure lsd, crystal form, lets say if you put your thumb against a gram of crystal lsd you would absorb hundreds of doses immediately. if your soul was pure enough to handle it, you were in for life. theres a 50 page thread about it here

cant seem to find pics of crystal, though you have to keep it in a brown glass jar to keep it from degrading in the light.

here is a bit of that thread, in regards to what its like to eat that much pure LSD, a thumbprint.

juicemonkey said:what is it like to eat a crystal? I would pass out. lol

chinacat72 said: Not pass out spin out.

I imagine it`s just like death. You completely dissolve ,there is no you. We are all connected. We all came from the same place and we return there. Imagine all of creation as a big pond of water. Your life is a drop of water falling from the sky. During life you feel seperate and then you hit the water and become one with it. There is no drop of water anymore ,just the pond.

I can`t realy explain it anymore. With crystal you lay down and take it. You have no choice. If you resist you will be squashed by the cosmo`s. If you don`t have absolute faith you can get burnt badly.

I have only seen one thumbprint go badly. The guy just wasn`t ready. He insisted on doing it. We had to hold him down all fuckin night long as he screamed "your fuckin killing me". I have never seen somebody suffer so bad. The next day he said it was the most important experiance of his life. He owns an organic vegtable farm in Oregon now and hasn`t touched LSD since.

LSD isn`t moved and sold like the cartel`s move coke and such. It`s handled by a brotherhood of people who truelly believe there doing the work of god(or whatever name you call creation). We believe that LSD crystal has to be handled by the right people who are totally commited to the movement.

When we moved crystal there was always the feeling that we were protected by a higher power. I can`t tell you how many times i have had crystal or acid on me or my brothers and have been in situation`s where we should have gotten busted and something always protected us.So many times that coincidence is not an option. Why do i think we were protected. Because the family does it for mankind not money. We viewed LSD as the only hope for the radical change in conciousness that would save us. So in effect we viewed are work as the work of God. You know why they never busted a family lab? Because we would never betray LSD. Just as Jesus was nailed to the cross we were willing to spend the rest of our lives in jail or die to protect what we viewed as the salvation of are species. Sound`s a little dramatic doesn`t it, but i`m trying to give you an understanding of the faith in LSD that the family has.

The point i`m trying to make is the family believes LSD has to move through the right hands. This is why you can`t go down to the corner and get a gram of crystal.

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its a 33 page thread that the guy started, great reading, i dont know if the link to it will work, to find it, its at www.shroomery.org , youll have to search for crystal to blotter, may have to sign up.

The stories of his are unbeleivable, like sitting on a bus from florida with 100 sheets of white unperf in his backpack, and the bus stops. feds get on looking for illegals and gun runners, one cop opens up his bag, riffles thru the 10 tenpacks, and puts them back. always white unperf for that reason, im sure if the tenpacks were all colourful and shit, hed be busted.

anyways, amazing reading in that thread. i reccommend it

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Anybody heard of Montreal's Brother Bob, moved a lot of acid on Dead and presumably Phish tour. Definitely one of those 'family' guys who saw acid as the revelation- very anti chemicals other than acid. He would do some heavy shit to enforce debts and what not though from what I've heard.

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I was searching for the physiological effects of psilocybin a little while ago and found that they are supposed to help in the long term with people who suffer from cluster headaches. A cluster headache is one that comes on extremely quickly and is incredibly intense, often causing collapse and temporary vision impairment and then leave quickly. I have been getting these for years and was relieved to know that they are a normal part of being human and nothing to really worry about. I was ecstatic to have the knowledge that my favourite drug is supposed to help curb their effects. Honestly I don't eat mushies enough to support this theory, but I've dosed a few times in the last six months and only have the odd headache that only lasts about a minute or two. If anyone has ever had a mild migraine for a day, the kind where you have to close the blinds, lie in bed and not talk or move, but no actual physical illness, imagine having that much suffering condensed in to a minute. It sucks if it happens when anyone else is around but at least it goes away quickly. It freaks people out though.

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Anyone know if there's any truth behind the whole...considered clinicly insane after X amounts of hits?

and is there any way to prove how much one has done?

Disability cheques would be glorious for a little while. :P

Mostly just curious. ;)

i like the way you think, howler...

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