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I'm not familiar with the others, but Janine Stoll impressed me immensely. I've taped two of her shows (available here), both with her trio (I think the Hamilton show will be solo, though), and she writes intelligent songs, heartfelt at times, and she sings them with a force that's to be reckoned with.



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If your ever get a chance, listen to some Shannon Lyon.

Although I really enjoy all his music, I recommend Tales Of A Yellow Heart his thrid release which features a current member of Fat Cats & a couple ex-members.(bolded)

Musicians: Shannon Lyon (various guitars, vocals), Mike Alviano (guitar), Jody Cram (drums), Adam Buschlen (bass), Tyler Gibson (hammond), Jay Schneider (bass), Chris Gatchene (pedal steel), Steve Strongman (backing vocals).

He's also quite a big deal in the Netherlands, which I found out while in Amsterdam in 1997.

If I make it to this one, I'll end up recording I imagine, not sure how Shannon is on recording, but since Janine is cool with it, I'll at least get her performance.

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Hey Greg. Do you think if Shannon's playing last that we'd be able to catch Jerry Douglas and make it back to the Hammer in time for his set?

That would be a fun-filled night (albeit a Thursday though...)

What do you think?

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I'm not sure really.

Sadly, I'm not even sure about making the Jerry Douglas show right now, between the Arlo show two nights before & my fishing trip may 24th weekend its gettin tighter financially. I should know more this week though and will let you know ASAP.

I also have to save up for the Caution Jam boat cruise june 3rd, which also happens to be my birthday.

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