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What should I do with my life?


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Hey, thanks all for the fine links and feedback! Lots of good stuff to mull over.

Been feeling rather directionless lately -- which is all good fun for awhile ... and then you start to realize that there is a big pit of nothingness where your dreams should be.

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ummmm....D_Rock....I think thats the saddest thing I've read in a long time. :(

I hope you're okay buddy.

Mabey for starters it's time for a better job w/better hours and more interesting stuff for your clever brain to do than think, think, think, too much, over long drawn out hours at strange hours of the clock....thats gotta be not so great on the head.

(I guess mabey thats partly, kinda what your saying eh)

Be okay....okay. :):):):)

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Been feeling rather directionless lately -- which is all good fun for awhile ... and then you start to realize that there is a big pit of nothingness where your dreams should be.

I'm a bit saddened by this. Maybe this is a transition phase for you, a boundary between the direction(s) you had, and the direction(s) you're going to have?

One approach (during this phase, and in general) might be to help others with achieving their dreams. It'll occupy your time, provide you satisfaction and a sense of achievment ("Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased"), make the world a slightly better place, and, as you go along, you may find something for yourself, too.



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Hey, thanks all for the fine links and feedback! Lots of good stuff to mull over.

Been feeling rather directionless lately -- which is all good fun for awhile ... and then you start to realize that there is a big pit of nothingness where your dreams should be.

are you by any chance approaching 40? if so, i feel your directionlessness...i would say that if you are feeling rudderless, bradm's suggestion may be a good start. passion is contagious, and throwing fuel on the passion of a close friend may be what you need to get yourself fired up too.

sorry, that got a bit dr phil-like :P

the mouse family has had an ongoing collective dream to start some sort of sustainable collective rural experiment, and it seems that within the last couple of years, opportunities are presenting themselves that may make this possible. the conventional idea that you get out of bed before you're ready and trundle off to give someone the use of your brain for 8 hours on the assumption that you will get it back in an unmutilated state (thank you Utah Phillips) is basically bunk. there's got to be something better and more fulfilling thank having two days out of seven to truly live and be yourself...

what are you trained to do? what do you love to do? is there any sort of intersection between the two? would you like to move to rural waterloo county and be part of a sustainable living commune ? :)

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Hey, thanks all for the fine links and feedback! Lots of good stuff to mull over.

Been feeling rather directionless lately -- which is all good fun for awhile ... and then you start to realize that there is a big pit of nothingness where your dreams should be.

hey man, i feel where you're coming from. all i can say from my own experiences is that to find happiness you must go through your fears.

follow your dreams, be happy. it's that simple. you might have to be selfish along the way. low roller is partially right. do what you love, everything else will fall into place. doesn't matter about money really. there's a limited amount of money in the world. for every dollar you have that you don't need, someone has one less who really needs it. all you need to do is support yourself and your family.

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Ever thought of writing D_Rock?

Think about it...If you can evoke so much thought and put into words what everyone thinks from time to time with such eloquence...with just one paragraph....well just imagine the possibilities! :)

My mums an editor :) yes my .....'s make her wince...haha and she's in linguistics....howd I get to be such a lazy writer?!haha...

oh...and I could be your illustrater mabey? :)

"Not all those who wander are lost."

J.R.R. Tolkien

...excuse me...not even a paragraph...D_Rock your gonna be a best seller!! Can I have one penny per book sold please and thankyou?

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d_rawk....I'm glad to see you're not quite as depressed as some of the "pit of nothingness" descriptions seemed to suggest.

A belief in the intelligence of the cosmos, that things will always work out, can sometimes help when things seem hopeless or directionless. Now, "working out" will rarely mean winning the lottery, or even having a day-job you absolutely love, but in my experience, things DO work out, if you keep your needs humble and simple. I'm a big beleiver in karma....cause I do see/have seen it in action. Take care of others....contribute....be loving.....these things will come back to you.

but on a more immediate, practical level.....I have to echo what Tim and others have suggested:

1) help fuel another's passion/dream/goal while you wait for your own inspiration. Don't know anyone who needs this support? Then VOLUNTEER! you have so mnay options.....as someone politically aware and concerned, get involved in a political action group, or directly volunteer in an MP's office. Work with disadvantaged or hospitalized children. Do sexual-health counselling with Planned Parenthood. Help out with any number of festivals this city puts on. The amazing thing about volunteering is how it will expand your circle of friends (meeting people you otherwise wouldn't.) The contacts you make with these folks (ugh...the word is "networking") will continue to expand your options and expose you to possibilities and oportunities you never foresaw.

2) If you are under 30, spend some time researching all the FREE programs, language and cultural exchanges, training, and entrepreneurial loans available to you through the gov't.

it's actually quite exciting to ask yourself this question: What should I do with my life?


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I'm thinking the book...will have Lazloves noose on the cover.

On the top will say 'WHAT' or mabey 'WTF' then at the bottom will be your insrirational sentence.

Now all we gotta do is fill 'er up with random thoughts and ideas about the meaning of it all.

Each chapter headed with some brilliant little sentence and photo from this wonderous universe that captures the imagination....hopefully growing more cheerfull than the cover as one carries through.

something along these lines.

Best seller dude.

one penny per please.


oh I just noticed Lazlove went and got himself in trouble...D if you didn't see it he had posted a giant noose....it was funny if you understand the Lazonater jokes about everything in a 'lighten the fuck up' kinda way and has a giant mushy heart. If not I understand it might have seemed grotesquely cruel and over the top.

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Hey, I expected the responses to be a healthy mix of the quirky, the insightful, the practical, and the Lazlo. ;) Anybody who passes out standing up is always a-ok in my books.

Wow, this thread got a lot more mileage than I anticipated. I'm not even sure how to go about responding to all the great comments yet ... partly because I'm still digesting a lot of them. And I'm presently on the tailend of a relatively sleepless weekend.

It took a bit of a serious turn, that's for sure. Really, rest assured, this was not intended as a 'cry for help' as much as a 'request for inspiration'. And I've gotten that in spades. Keep it coming if you've got it, and I'll probably be back to tackle some of the finer points with a clearer head. Or maybe take a turn at answering the question from your own vantage point ... "What should I (you) do with my (your) life?"

(and Ms. Hux, if you're reading, this never had anything to do with job dissatisfaction. It's about casting the gaze further out from the present ;))

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Aww. Are you calling me out, sunshine?

Listen, I know it doesn't seem this way right now, but it's not really me you love, it is just the idea of me. You think you want me, but its only because you know you can't have me. One day, you'll look back on all of this, and it won't really hurt the way it hurts right now. I mean it. I promise. And in the meantime, I'll be here for you if you need to talk, k big guy? And we'll always have our memories. I was just playing our song the other day ... and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, I swear. Really!

Love ya sweetie.


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i think you should join the polyphonic spree.

just think, you can spread sunshine wherever you go and never have to worry about what to wear. how can life be bad with a tambourine in your hand?!

I've had my application in for years now and still no call back!

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i didn't know you were dating sunshine, thats wierd.

Oh, weak. You know, it doesn't make you less of a man to face your emotions ... that's how you deal with them and work through them. You'll never be less of a man in my eyes -- I still remember how pretty and manly you looked with your hair in your eyes and my dick in your mouth. Whatever else has happened between us, nobody can take those memories from us. Nobody.

I know that there is pain. But this, too, shall pass. Hang in there buddy.

Love you.

[ps. i before e, except when it's weird]

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i didn't know you were dating sunshine, thats wierd.

Oh, weak. You know, it doesn't make you less of a man to face your emotions ... that's how you deal with them and work through them. You'll never be less of a man in my eyes -- I still remember how pretty and manly you looked with your hair in your eyes and my dick in your mouth. Whatever else has happened between us, nobody can take those memories from us. Nobody.

I know that there is pain. But this, too, shall pass. Hang in there buddy.

Love you.

[ps. i before e, except when it's weird]

Erotica writer :wink:

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