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back from summercamp!

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great times had by all.

the highlight non-moe. performances are:

Raq: only caught about 20 minutes of thier performance but it was fantastic.

Zilla: holy crap, i heard the first few minutes of them from my campsite and then ran over to the sunshine stage...stayed for the whole show and decided to skip most of umphrey's it was THAT good.

Disco Biscuits: very enjoyable set for the mid afternoon...can't say i'm a converted fan...but can't say i didn't like em either..tight playing, great jamming and just a great dance party.

Yonder Mountain String Band: just what the doctor ordered. i found that the sunshine stage played crappy live hippy trance all day and it just made things seem hotter. bluegrass+sunshine+hot weather= perfect. last time i saw this band was moe.down four...a rare treat for me.

Tea leaf Green: always a pleasure.

the festival itself:

comfortable and well run...security was PERFECt. food was great and affordable...mmm breakfast burritos. i loved the abundance (SP?) of hot moe. girls. the late night dance party tent was PERFECT on saturday...such a cool little scene. i found that the fest didn't have a noticable amount of idiots there to ruin people's time...but they were still there...IE: the idiot that pissed pretty much on my tent, the idiot girl throwing glowsticks at rob , so on and so forth.


night one was a warm up. fantastic set, lots of fun...but didn't have that GRAND feeling that the highlight show has...a fun appitizer for sure. Brent Black was killer.

night 2:

best performance of the weekend...buster is a new highlight moe.ment for me...holy shit. PIG CAN FLY.

night 3:

great way to cap off the weekend...meat with gil's theme was the best thing they did that day...holy shit rob's playing is getting even more ridiculous.

he really was the stand out this weekend. in the past, i have found that when he solo's or shows off, he throws around the notes and is a tad sloppy at times...impressive, but not precise. his soloing has gotten precise as hell...Rob takes the game ball.


holy shit, i have never expereienced anything like that before in my life. it was just plain weird in there. i'm not sure if they other nights were equally as hot, but that night was insane. I've never experienced such thick heat before in my life. I took the right attitude and just enjoyed it for what it was...a really weird place to see a really cool show. The people dancing around with big fans, the water fights, the bikini's, the dude handing out ICE ...i don't htink that anyone who wasn't in there can apprieciate how truly hot it was in there...

as far as the music goes...SPLIT SQUAD 2 ripped Sqaud 1 a new one. a few rare moe. tunes, some great umphrey's tunes, and an incredible cover of LIFE DURING WARTIME...i don't think i'll forget what the inside of that barn looked like.

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Split squad was two bands that were made up of random members of moe. and Umphrey's Mcgee. It was off the hook. that barn was boiling hot. Water couldn't even help

they intertwined back and forth from moe. and Umphrey's tunes


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