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Shoreline Festival – July 21, 22, 23, 2006


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a pair of sneakers from the front step- maybe Kooky's?

those would be mine....rockports? they're at the end of their days - just toss 'em

That Jerry Douglas/Mike Gordon and Leo Kottke Mountain Stage DVD is not on traders den anymore...and schwa left his copy at your place! Thanks for bringing those dvd's, Booche

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Ok so here I am stuck in Nova Scotia wishing I was back on that magical island, why did i leave?!?

So Shoreline, what can i say it was the best of times it was the worst of times.

Highlights were:

Xavier Rudd playing the best show I've ever seen him do for the most appreciative audience I've ever seen.

GTB doing Porno for Pyros "Pets" and the wolfman pink panty show

The Sadies - Astronomy Domine and Big River = WOW

Throwing down in a monsoon to De La Soul and Skratch Bastid with all the other maniacs.

Ocean swims between sets


My tent for staying dry enough to sleep in, though that never came up

That Unicorn i saw at the "good" festival down the road


Being at a fest with all my favorite folks from Ottawa and from the east coast, peace and love bitches.

Last but not least, LS muthafuckin' D



The power outage

The fact Skratch wasn't in the barn

Sunday being cancelled WTF!?!

The attitude of the promoter on CBC which resparked my shoreline rage

Secuirty Nazis - who weren't there when you needed them but all over you when you didn't.

The ticket price - even before the rain and bullshit $125 is way too much for anything in Canada especially with that weak line up

The weak line up

All in all I'd go back to Shoreline in a heartbeat. Even after all that shit and craziness I still had a smile on my face, it was confusing and mostly due to molly but I still felt great. That island is fucking magic I tell ya.

Thanks to Buote and Margo, you guys let a bunch of dirty freeks into your lovely home and it is much appreciated. Best hosts ever. Thanks to Scottie and Steph for driving me to PEI and thanks to Andre and Lynn for getting me back to NS! Thanks agai nto Punk for slaying me with Crunchy Jams at Baba's so good to see you play again bro. Thank you Sweet O! Thanks again to Team Phun for all the hospitatiy in Charlottetown, hoping ot make it back for the Saturday Mansion Funk Party! Thanks to all the other Dock N^%@az Schwa, Rosie, Chris, Sloth, Molac, Adam (Seriously I'm taking this kid everywhere, he's awesome) Lisa, Jordan, Mean Face...you cats are TOO MUCH!


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Good times. Good to meet you Kooky, I look forward to the next time we can throw down. Schwa, it's always a pleasure. Thanks again Punk and Bug for the incredible hospitality, I always feel truly at home in yours. Thanks to all of the PEI kids that always make my vacation a good one. Until next time.

Oh, and all of you Ottawa folks.....I like you, too.

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I love Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key, probably the best thing i heard all weekend. Expect to hear it if i have my guitar and you are around (disclaimer)

SADIES ROCKED and were easily the best act (for me) of the weekend....that and Kooky's performance when the Braclet police stormed our tent....that and Punk's face in that picture of him running....that and laughing soooo much....that and Gateaux loving his poo log....that and Ozmodeyarrrr!

too much to write so if you weren't there ask me about it later ;)

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I really must get a picture of Mean-Face in her glory posted on here...

We got one, but I was hoping to get a better one. As soon as we upload the shots, we'll post it.

Well, Douglas will.

Thanks Punk and Bo. Your place is gorgeous. By the way, I loved that gig. Thanks for the half-dedication on Ooh Las Vegas. That threw me one meanass curveball:

"I know this song but I cant place it right now!"

Glad Westbrah made it back safe and sound but they aint got nothing on our driving skills......you actually stopped to sleep?

We went from PEI (Trevor and I feeling like death) > Peggy O's Cove (WOWOWOWOWOOWOW! One of the most picturesqe places I have seen in this country) > Ottawa in almost 24 hrs straight.

Suzies, the lot of you.

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Glad Westbrah made it back safe and sound but they aint got nothing on our driving skills......you actually stopped to sleep?

We went from PEI (Trevor and I feeling like death) > Peggy O's Cove (WOWOWOWOWOOWOW! One of the most picturesqe places I have seen in this country) > Ottawa in almost 24 hrs straight.

Suzies, the lot of you.

UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...I woke up at the festival at 7 AM from a shit night sleep with a water-filled tent....packed up in the RAIN, left Rollo Bay at 8:30 AM, and arrived into Ottawa at 10:00 PM same day!!

14 hours baby - One driver!!!

And for all those times i've made comments on Gateaux's navigation skills on our long drives....I think we've finally mastered it! Love ya BABE, thanks for turning into a great co-pilot~! ;)

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Glad Westbrah made it back safe and sound but they aint got nothing on our driving skills......you actually stopped to sleep?

We went from PEI (Trevor and I feeling like death) > Peggy O's Cove (WOWOWOWOWOOWOW! One of the most picturesqe places I have seen in this country) > Ottawa in almost 24 hrs straight.

Suzies' date=' the lot of you.


UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...I woke up at the festival at 7 AM from a shit night sleep with a water-filled tent....packed up in the RAIN, left Rollo Bay at 8:30 AM, and arrived into Ottawa at 10:00 PM same day!!

14 hours baby - One driver!!!

And for all those times i've made comments on Gateaux's navigation skills on our long drives....I think we've finally mastered it! Love ya BABE, thanks for turning into a great co-pilot~! ;)

Better Suzies then Dead!

PEI was awsome. Shorelie was wet and fun. Punk and Bug, thanks for the hospitality. You have a beautiful home.

Kooky and Schwa. it was great partying with you guys. I can't wait to see you two again.

Lomac, Sloth, Douglas, Booche and everyone in PEI

Westbrah, Freeker(thanks for making me cry),MaMa..Another great "family" vacation.

What's next?

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