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CSNY on saturday


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(or is it friday?) their website says friday, but my tickets say saturday. pretty sure it's saturday though...?!

who's all going?

i have an extra ticket to this show if anyone would like to go! i bought the cheapest tickets so they are not close to the stage (sec 302 row D) but they were only 65$ each.

also, i'm looking for a ride to/from the show from ottawa, since it's at scotiabank place. ideally if someone buys my extra they will have wheels too :)

anyone up for it?

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thanks guys...

thatpatguy: i live in the glebe around bank & QE. i'll let you know if i don't find a taker/ride. thanks!!!

bradm: thanks too...i didn't want to take the bus cuz it seemed like a hassle but those direct buses are a good option if i need to


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well i tried route 402 from billings bridge, but it said that it was not available on that date.

and when i input my address and the destination into the trip planner, it was a bunch of buses and connections which is precisely the hassle i refuse to deal with.

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ah, i see now why it didn't work. i input "buses after 6 pm" into my search (show starts at 8) but the bus from billings bridge only goes at around 5:30.

so i could take that and get there 2 hours early. rather not though if possible :)

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That's when my tickets say..

I've heard they are dedicating a good chunk of the show/tour to Neil's new album..

Also.. here's a bit of trivia for you all, Ottawa was instrumental in the formation of CSN (and therefor CSNY). Apparently David Crosby bugged Graham Nash to come to Ottawa (I think they were in Toronto at the time) to check out Joni Mitchell. Graham Nash got a big crush on her and followed her back to California, where he and Crosby hooked up with Steven Stills.

At least this is what Nash said the last time CSN played Ottawa.

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Yes the show is for sure on Saturday night.

Silver 7 Brew pub: Walk into the Scotiabank Place (Gawd I hate that name) through the main doors (Gate 1). Go up the stairs immediately to your right. Veer slightly to your left and walk straight down that concourse until you see the big sign for the Silver 7 above your head. I believe it is just outside section 322. Take the stairs on your left up to the pub. Hope to see you there!


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Also.. here's a bit of trivia for you all, Ottawa was instrumental in the formation of CSN (and therefor CSNY). Apparently David Crosby bugged Graham Nash to come to Ottawa (I think they were in Toronto at the time) to check out Joni Mitchell. Graham Nash got a big crush on her and followed her back to California, where he and Crosby hooked up with Steven Stills.

At least this is what Nash said the last time CSN played Ottawa.

That story is in the Ottawa Sun today as well.

"OTTAWA," Graham Nash, ever the gentleman, offers, "will always be a sweet town for me."

It could be taken as a standard 'Great to be here in ...' sort of bit of pandering. After all, Nash has visited our fair city only twice in 38 years -- once with The Hollies and once with David Crosby and Stephen Stills. But Nash has never been the patronizing type. Like his bandmates, the singer-songwriter is all about sincerity.

Besides, he adds, "That's where I met Joni. I'll always remember Ottawa fondly."

Nash was already seeking life outside British Invasion hitmakers The Hollies in March 1968 when he took pal Crosby's advice and took in Joni Mitchell's set at Le Hibou. And, like virtually everyone who caught Mitchell during her flower power period, he was instantly smitten.

Within months, Nash would desert The Hollies ("I wanted to turn around and face a different way," he says), go to California and move in with the Prairie girl.

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ho-ho! well. what an interesting evening!

in my time of deep thinking, i wasn't sure if i should relate my venting at the beginning or end of the story. but i don't want to leave it on a sour note, so here goes *warning - excessive colourful language + far too long-winded story to immediately follow*-

phorbesie was kind enough to sell me her extra to this wonderful show. we arrive at scotiabank place [lamer name, please] right on time, no frisking, just a quick 'whirr' on the bar code of our tickets.

the show gets off to a nice start, however the first set is comprised mainly of newer material - nothing against that, except that i am totally unfamiliar with it. the patrons behind us were (a) apparently on the road to becoming quite drunk; (B) unimpressed with the current state of the setlist, and © very, very, very rude.

so, these special individuals talked, and talked, and talked, VERY loudly, right behind us. and it wasn't just talk - it was inane, stupid, ridiculous talk. example: "these songs are BULLSHIT, why aren't they playing neil's GOOD songs?!" - etc. actually a very funny moment was when nash sat down at the piano and went into the first notes of "our house", at which point the fucko said "there! now there's some real neil young!".

in the first set, phorbesie very politely asked them if it would be okay that they quiet down, as their conversation was really quite distracting. they made no fuss, and were quiet.

until, that is, second set came along ~

it seemed that, during the 20-30 minute set break, our not so friendly neighbours had gone to imbibe a bit more. they came back with their balls roaring and they weren't takin no shit from no-body.

they proceeded to talk through the second set, but this time with a little added belligerence for effect - "oh! no talking, no talking!" and other hilarities in this vein. finally, ms phorbesie asked them to please stop talking - it was at this time that the principal nasty mofo lost his shit.

"shut the fuck up! don't fucking tell me to be quiet! don't fucking tell me to be quiet again! if you don't like it you can move!" - blah, blah, blah. when the people sitting nearby added their similar comments - "i'm the toughest cunt around! fucking stand up i'll fucking knock you out! don't fucking say it again!"

i have to admit i was really curious to see what he'd do if i DID say it again. mostly i sat there, jaw dropped, wondering what the hell planet this asshole dropped off of.

then a-NOTHER one of the dudes sat behind me, made a big, deliberate, ridiculous ruckus - and when i turned around to give him the 'shut the fuck up you pathetic little twat' look, he said "you're DULL!". i laughed a bit. "do you sell BUTTER KNIVES for a living? because you're DULL!"

i actually thought that was kind of funny. in case you're wondering, no i do not sell butter knives for a living, although judging by the pace of this story, you might think he was not too far off.

anyway, security eventually came and took them away, hallefuckinglujah. as they left, as a final, spectacular show of poor sportsmanship, their bitchy little friend dumped her beer on phorbesie and myself. just beautiful. so... that was that!

okay. now onto the show. despite being somewhat overshadowed by the drama, it was WICKED! heavy anti-bush/anti-war message. interesting how they played so many songs written during the time of the vietnam war but are equally poignant today. my setlist is a bit weak b/c i don't know a lot of the new stuff, but here's my take:

flags of freedom

wooden ships

long time gone

military madness [my hoped-for song!]

wounded world [stills]

after the garden [neil]

living with war

don't need no more lies [the restless consumer?]

shock & awe

enron [they want it all?]- [crosby]

song which won an award from the UN [feed the people?] - [stills]

immigration man

"for the 16 soldiers killed in iraq..." - [families?]

second set

helplessly hoping

our house

only love can break your heart [soooo sweet]

milky way tonight [nash]

guinnivere [highest-stress point of confrontation]

carry me

treetop flier

roger and out? ["old hippie highway]

southbound train?

old man trouble [stills]

teach your children

southern cross [sweeeet]

cost of freedom

*star spangled banner + skit*

let's impeach the president

for what it's worth [surprise! excellent!]

chicago ["it's dying to get better"?]


keep on rockin in the free world

encore: woodstock!

wonderful show. so glad i went. those boys still sound beautiful! :)

PS does anyone know why they kept calling graham nash willy??

Edited by Guest
double checking song names with other post!
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