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DOG DAY AFTERNOON......metric festival

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I thought the Furnaces were great! The guitar player was killer. Totally different sound than their studio albums.

Metric was an awesome spectacle. We were about 20 rows back, packed in tight. I went on a foolish mid-set beer run and the size of the crowd blew me away.

Holy Fuck were good too. It was another great night at the MBNA stage!

Freak By Night told me you guys were center near the front. I actually gave it a shot to go say hi, but there was no fuckin way I'd get through the teeny-bopper crowd ;) They sure can pack alot of teens into that lawn. I hope you didn't stand out as a druken old geezer !

I certainly was curious how in the hell you'd get in and out with a beer.

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I hope you didn't stand out as a druken old geezer !

I don't know about that but a bunch of kids were sure pissed at us when we wouldn't sell them any weed. ;)

I certainly was curious how in the hell you'd get in and out with a beer.

Keep the beer low to avoid elbows, announce your presence two rows ahead of you and barge. It was ugly but it worked with surprisingly few spills.

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for a festival claiming to want to be not like any other festival and not have sponsorship, and sell good food for cheap, and not charge an arm and a leg for water, shit was rather expensive.

You had to wait in the drink ticket line to get water tickets then get in another line for water. Water was still $3 a bottle, beer was 6 and burgers and stuff were 6. I haven't been to one of these festival things for years but I didn't think this was any cheaper than any other festival I've been to.

The venure is pretty cool though except when the wind kicked up and blew the smell of feces through the grounds, but other than that it was good.

Someone also did a good job postering the porto-potties with New Deal and Jimmy Swift posters.

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that would be my doing.


yeah...one thing that pissed me off about the festival was that they made no clear notice of no water allowed....

for a festival being held out doors in the peak of summer heat, especially when its 30+ degrees outside...thats just cruel...

u don't water in? okay...charge 1 buck for water and make it easy to get.....don't charge people 3 bucks and make them stand in long lines...thats just bullshit.

the food was reasonable though....6 bucks for a chicken sandwich is standard.

the venue is great though...great view of the city...nice size, etc, etc, etc...

there should be an all day festival with 2 stages and more bands...and not just hipster bands.

emily hanes needs to shut her fucking mouth somtimes.

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I wouldn't be quite that harsh Ollie. They've still got some of the sound that got me interested about 4 years ago when they opened for BSS at Capital. What you have to sift through is the declining-in-age fanbase and just so many more people at the show.

I really liked the lights too...and normally I don't notice stage lights.

They had a new tour manager whose first night was the bluesfest show. He was measuring trailers and ensuring all the dark hand towels were accounted for. When the "imported beer" on their rider turned out to be Heineken he said "we don't go near that stuff".

In yiddish he is known as a Yutz.

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I wouldn't be quite that harsh Ollie. They've still got some of the sound that got me interested about 4 years ago when they opened for BSS at Capital. What you have to sift through is the declining-in-age fanbase and just so many more people at the show.

It's just a notion, primarily stemming from the rock star posing of the guitar and bass players -- reminded me a bit of an arena rock show in that respect. I did enjoy the set.

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