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Free IT Tickets!!! (Revised to include Toronto & Hamilton Pholk!)


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great idea guys....

you sure know how to kick things up a notch.

There will now be a multi-city draw.

Go to any of the shows and you can get a ticket by donating a toonie.

One Toonie for you chance to either See Phish, or miracle someone to see Phish, or whatever you decide to do with the Tickets.

The draw will be held in Ottawa, and if someone wins from Hamilton or Toronto, I'll send the tickets to you.

You'll just fill out your name and phone number and , and I'll post the winning name here on Sunday.

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you guys have NOOOO IDEA how bad i need these tickets, its geting so close now

whos got my ride to hottawa from hammertown? anyone? if i win ill give you the other ticket [big Grin]

MANNNN i wanna go

maybe if i start walking now ill be there in time....

if anyone is riding from hamilton or TO PLEASE drop me a line at phishstix420@yahoo.com

ill chip in for gas and whatever

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