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Ratings in the Cavern


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Alright, so I'm pretty new round here and I have a question for whoever out there feels klike they may be in charge or whatever.

It's about the ratings. I am all for feedback. If I am being an ass and someone doesn't like me or my opinions, I'd love to know. I am not against constructive criticism, and I am not a baby. However, as far as I can tell, I am getting voted on with no idea who is voting or why. I feel this is useless for a few reasons. First, people are much more likely to rate you if you do something they don't like (in other words, negative rating). Second, it gives no input of what you did to deserve either a good or bad rating.

Can you change a rating after? do they get wiped after some time? How many of these votes are cast by people who misread what you say and/or don't quite catch the sarcasm or irony of your post?

Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by secondtube:

i just rated you a one star...


I thought you did that awhile ago, after the "I fucked your wife" fiasco.

But, now the real question is why? Because we don't share taste in music, or are you just being ironic.

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(sound of knuckles cracking)

I was just talking to my girl about this exact premise this afternoon. Apparently I'm only a 'rockstar' and have only a two star rating. That's as the founder of the first national or at least regional full on website for or at least about the scene, you know before there was a jambands or jamhub. Abe and I sort of bemoaned the fact that we didn't buy the jambands.ca url when we had the chance but really we had no interest in it whatsoever, thought there was a distinct conflict with jambands.com and besides the fact 'jam' anything didn't appeal to us at all. As everyone knows, and surprisingly come to my defense for as of late, I am one of the most vociferous commentators on this board and on the scene. I have writing credits in Exclaim!, Echo Weekly, The Coast, many credits on Jambase etc. I may bait hippies for sport but only because they haven't taken their mommies advise that the bullies just want to get a rise out of you. There is also a more sophisticated logic to the whole satire rag. Editors in Canada could largely care less about the Jam scene except as a kitschy 'who woulda thunk it' kind of thing (the Echo is a bit of an anomaly as an independent weekly in this regard due largely to MK's influence I would suppose). Some will remember my rant against Exclaim! (on behalf of jamheads), many choose to forget the things I've written on Jambase about Burt Neilson, Jimmy Swift, Evolve Festival and a host of others. They've forgotten largely because someone gets their panties in a bunch over one particular comment and lose sight of the overall glorification of the piece. In short (I know Irony) Canadian editors and American website editors really aren't interested in our scene at all. Jazz and the Jam tradition really are rooted in the American tradition and Canada is rightly a bit of an afterthought. The songwriting tradition is another thing with snowbird luminaries like Joni, Leonard Cohen, The Band and the new breed Sexsmith, Wiseman, Al Tuck, Chris Brown and Kate Fenner, Cuff The Duke, Broken Social Scene and all the gang. I think rightly these kind of artists get alot of the media's praise and unjustly the whole jam baby is thrown out with the bathwater. The Jimmy Swift's and Theft Bus' are renewing the songwriting tradition in the live improvisational spectrum and not getting the credit they deserve. Media cycles and publicists have alot to do with that plot. So for these reasons and just largely to speak my Ween filled mind I use this board as a forum. Play it safe and your rating goes up, talk shit and your fucked even if my shit is far better informed than most others 'right on braaaaah'.

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or are you just being ironic.



That's as the founder of the first national or at least regional full on website for or at least about the scene


Were not worthy.


many choose to forget the things I've written on Jambase about Burt Neilson

No, you've gone down in history for writing the most uneducated review of a Burt show ever. Trust me, we haven't forgotten.


They've forgotten largely because someone gets their panties in a bunch over one particular comment and lose sight of the overall glorification of the piece.

glorification? of the scene, or of yourself?


Play it safe and your rating goes up, talk shit and your fucked even if my shit is far better informed than most others 'right on braaaaah'.

Lately, i'd take 'right on braaaah' over this inane nonsence.

You are SO full of yourself. You may have a few 'followers' as you may think of them, but, as the numbers increase around here, there's bound to be a few suckers mystified by verbal gibberish.

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Seriously SecondTube I know you're a good shit even though I've only met you once to my knowledge. You even hooked me up which was cool. I generally without fail like everyone on this board when I meet them in person because they are good people. Many don't have the strength of their convictions as I do. If that's full of yourself fine. I have literally spent thousands of hours actively listening to this music scene's offering- we all have. I have however gone further and actually WRITTEN about it. So that other Canadians, Americans, heck even Krauts and Japs and the like, could learn about our culture. Despite my friendships/allegiances/'imaginary friendships' I have spoken my mind in the hope that honest even caustic (that means chemically burn dunder head) feedback will help our artists grow. Grow out of just being players and into being artists. That's a heavy load for anyone.

AND FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME THE BURT THING IS SO PLAYED OUT. Once on NorthernHeads I said that I 'heard' the show at the Attic in Halifax during the Pop Explosion wasn't so hot. The guy who told me was super bright, engaging and knew good music. If a similarly talented restaurant or movie critic said something about a restaurant or film I would likely take their advice. That's unfortunate that people would be dissuaded by a critic who reviews cause they can't do to check out a band, restaurant or film but it happens all the time- you have to trust someone. I've tried to bring some objectivity back to the scene in the form of gross subjectivity, unfortunately somebody named Hunter blew that rag and drugged out expense accounts for all of us. Anyways this is the perfect example of how heads wear their hearts on their sleeves, are paranoid and get shit just plain wrong. Somehow because I promoted the Garth Hudson show the same night and it was poorly attended someone, I think Hundermug (usually it's the manager's the one's that take %10 of the take that get pissed off in case you didn't notice), thought I brought up this apparently down show that the two were connected. In fact I invited the Burt guys to come and play with Garth. From the looks of their recent setlists (Stage Fright and Chest Fever) you'd think, not just out of due reverence to an acknowledged master, they might have learned something- maybe Heisholt could have gleaned some insight into the Genetic Method and Garth's left hand. There was no connection whatsoever between the poor turnout and the Burt piece except in people's imaginations. In fact as it turned out the band was going through the motions, was in a bit of a downward spiral, and that resulted in parting ways with Kornbloom. All of this is well established fact and even Heisholt thought it funny when everyone started bashing them that I said I wished I bashed them when it was cool. Oh how true. I genuinely like the Burt Neilson in their current form, like them all as people (alot) and mean the best. I like when they let their experience guide their songwriting such as in newer songs like In The Belly, By The Door and Bored Again. Those are great songs and great jams. Funkin' Shoes should be hung up and I think they know it. I really resent taking flack over misperpetuated bullshit like this when I'm one of the only people bothering listening to the craft of their songs and trying to make something of it in writing.

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I'll revert back to the topic at hand for a minute...

First of all, your name is Tonyrage. With a name like that you're bound to leave a bad first impression on some people.

In my opinion, up until now you've lived up to your name by trashing all sorts of bands and people. Even your offhanded jokes and remarks involve racial sterotypes or womenbashing. Many people would take offense to that and, as you pointed out, mark you negatively well before someone would mark you positively.

That being said, I wouldn't read too much into your rating, I'm of the opinion that you present yourself in the light truest to you, be prepared to back up your statements, and then maybe the rational folk will accept what you're saying and see the value in it.

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i like to give people 1 star befoe i even got to know them to protest the fact that if i do infact not like you at one time but get to LOVE you i cant change the rating. Its stuck. That is why it is useless.

or just get rid of it in your profiles. Easy.

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yeeeehaawwww - kids fighting with each other. Isn't this what ruined rec.music.phish and other good newsgroups?

If you don't like ratings, take them off. If you have bad ratings, it's probably because you've been a tool. threads like this aren't going to help anyone's cause.


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Originally posted by ahess6488:

First of all, your name is Tonyrage. With a name like that you're bound to leave a bad first impression on some people.

?????????????who? Anyone who would judge someone on their handle is just bizarre. I earned the nickname tonyRage along time ago not by being angry or kicking ass, but because I drank too much. Rage = party, so who has a problem with that.


In my opinion, up until now you've lived up to your name by trashing all sorts of bands and people. Even your offhanded jokes and remarks involve racial sterotypes or womenbashing.

excuse me? When and where? that's a very big accusation to make and I do take personal offence that you would toss that around lightly. If you are going to open up that can of worms you'd better back it up with some quotes.

Furthermore, when I do make negative comments towards bands I try and be contructive as possible, or at least rational. This board is here for the discussion of music and the bands that make it and I can have an opinion just like anyone else. The thing I usually like about the jam scene is the people. I like them because they tend to be more open-minded and not as quick to jump to conclusions. What understand from your post is that you've read a couple of things and judged me completely by them, and possibly missing either the irony or sarcasm in what I've said. I don't like this. I wanted to come on this board to crack jokes and keep in touc with the scene, and I never asked for your opinion on me. All I asked was for a general conversation on ratings on this board. C'est tout.

I've edited this post now because I fell into a trap. I did not read ahess's post well enough and now realize he was saying some people may take offense to me. I still am annoyed about the "women-bashing" remark, but I'll live. Whoever these "some people" are, you can just shove it (I figure I can safely attack people who don't exist).

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I've been enjoying watching my rating fade from 5 to 4 and then recently to 3 stars over the past nine months or so. [Eek!]

I can't expect everyone to dig everything I have to say so what am I gonna do? It bugged me for a while but now I couldn't care less.

Having said that, I say to the Bouchard's - just eliminate the rating system. No option to have it or not, just get rid of it. I've used it but I sure wouldn't miss it. I'm coming to realize that it says nothing about the actual person behind the keyboard, it really says more about the people reading the posts than the persons making them.

What do you think?

Whenever I meet someone who has rubbed me the wrong way on-line I almost always enjoy getting to know them in person and regret being so harsh on them, either in private or publicly on this board. It's a hard lesson to learn and I'm still working it out.

Let's never forget how we rally around each other when the going gets tough. I mean, when someone passes on, is ill or in danger. I mean real life, not about whether Wassabi changes their setlists or not or stuff like that. When it matters, we rise to the occasion and all this petty arguing becomes moot.

Humour and compassion and irreverance are the distinguishing marks of this community, whether you consider yourself a hippie or not. We're in the summertime silly season these days folks, let's take a deep breath before we sink even further to the level of so many other boards that have gone to the dogs. This is a pretty special place.

Just my opinion, have a great day! Can't wait to hang with some of you at any upcoming shows, anytime, anywhere!

[big Grin]

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That was well said but without being inflammatory I think something further could be said. I have to blow my own horn, largely cause no one else will, because I have written a ton about this scene on and off the board. So there appears to be no connection whatsoever between output, quality of output and your rating. This is obviously the case and obviously the ratings don't matter. I was just hoping one of the administrators would have the cahonies to back it up. Unfortunately this system turns the board into something of a focus group and focus groups are killing movies and music. Take this quote about a new Joaquim Phoenix movie called Buffalo Soldiers that shows the military in a very bad light (is to the military what Cuckoo's Nest was to mental health): "...executives clinched the deal the night before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Suddenly the film was in trouble. A year later at a test screening in New York, a viewer condemned it while not disputing its accuracy. She said: 'I think this is a time we need to be patriotic, and I don't think that the American public should see it.'"

Likewise on this board a largely anonymous focus group comment on my posts might read 'I sensed he was being sincere, at rock bottom knew he was probably right on this and many scores, but at my core I felt threatened or intimidated by his mind in its static form i.e. his posts'. Hence tank him in the ratings. It makes for a lowest common denominator mentality which is both smug and degrading.

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I see you edited your post and am glad you did. I'm glad we're getting rid of ratings because they are meaningless, on top of which the ability to convey emotions using fucking parentheses, squiggles and colons is mediocre at best. So when we make big emotinal sweeping statements we can't show the strength of our convictions without doing THIS.

So in tribute to the ratings abolishment, I now take tonyrages hand and run his highlights reel...for humour's sake only, you emotional ninnies! You've only been here a while but you've already graced us with a few golden eggs:

Referring to aguilera: "Latino skank with the halter tops and the pudding pops and away I go to the movie show"

Referring to lawnchairs at bluesfest: "IMO, we should just line up everyone over 40 at the festival and smack em in the head with their own chairs, esp. the ones who leave them there ll week."

referring to worst band: "Have to be -- Paul McArtney. This guy is only the worst because he was one of the best and then became such a bitch. He landed in my bottom spot after 9/11 when he wrote that goddam Freedom song. It was honestly the saddest thing I'd ever seen. What a sell-out piece of crap"

Referring to phish excitement: "OK, that TMWSIY - > Avenu -> Walls would have blown me away. I would have lost compelte control of my sphincter and shat all over the people behind me. I wish I had been there."

And now, my personal fave, referring to CTMF: "Know what. fuck all u pansies. I'm going hardcore on these motherfuckers here. We're talking some C4 on townhall and shit. Let 'em know that us hippies ain't all daisies and microbuses. We can hole up in the doghouse and wait it out after"

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