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The Fat Cats @ Mavericks Saturdar Oct 14th, 2006


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Yeah that'd be a tough pill for him to swallow.

The Ottawa kids got to hear a little of Josh's organ playing though and that's a good thing. He's an animal on that thing, and undoubtedly took the failing gear thing in stride.

Listening to Powderfinger right now, and it is nice to hear him play witha different palette. That's something of a treat we in the So-On haven't got a lot of, so good on ya Ottawa.

I've got some heckling to do next time they're playing around here. POWDERFINGER!

We need a Guelph Fattie's show. Jimmy Jazz would explode.


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why do I continue to open this thread? It just pains me everytime to remember that I missed out on a great weekend.....boooo-hoooo! (although I had a great weekend anyhow)

next time

next time

next time

oh well, it's nice to hear the stories and read about all the smiling faces.

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I was grateful for catching green lights on my home on Sunday morning so that I could catch MarcO calling a cab, and for having a quick chat with edger before they left for home.


Thanks (again!) for taping bradm...looking forward to hearing the show.

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Booche has a great idea as we were chatting towards the end of the night at the bar. I mentioned, that the one thing that is nice about a festival, is that instead of the music ending right now, many of us would be heading to a fire for a good old acoustic jam (one of my all-time favourite past times).

He quickly replied with "fuck the festival" let's all go camping instead!

Todd and I both love that idea, and MarcO sounded like he'd be on board as well. I figure a few of us should head up your way again in the late spring/early summer to take in some of the beautiful parks around your area, and hopefully a bunch of you can join us.

Admission? Must bring a guitar, vocals, drum, or fuel for the "fire"

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