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why won't my avatar stay the way i set it???


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i switched my avatar to this new badass one with a vanishing skull i found off a google image search. I got it to work, and now when i go back to a posting where i replied it's back to the tripod logo. What's going on?? This is the url;


if you click this link it will take you to the tripod image it keeps returning to. If you copy the url into your address bar and send you should see the vanishing skull image i'm looking for as my new avatar. Is this a copyright security thing?

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yeah, tripod doesn't allow linking to pics... you saw it for a while because it was in your computers cache or something... i don't really know if I'm using the right terms but that's the deal with that... tripod images don't show up.

That link just shows a black box... what did it used to be?

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