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Chives Private Polaris


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That and if I saw that happen in person I would have definitely gotten into a verbal altercation and although I am surprisingly not a violent person I would seriously consider stepping it up to a physical altercation. Boys and Men have the option of doing that.

Right. And boys and men also have the option of *not* doing that.

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I was expecting a more elegant explanation and I'm kinda disappointed.

I've thrown CDs before!!!

What about Ottawa as the new town for music... Lots of good bands from here. 2 London bands on the list at the top... What's going on in London these days? Good bands? Good scene?

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I appreciate your insights AD but do you see how people like Deeps and I are trying to build something up by tearing something down? Your insights amount to reasonable, circumspect and sort of neutered responses.

Don't worry it's not like I'm going to knock this guys blocks off. What irritates me to no end is that if someone confronted him on that sort of behaviour (a totally reasonable thing to do- hell I'm confronted on all sorts of behaviour all the time) where would the situation go.

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What irritates me to no end is that if someone confronted him on that sort of behaviour (a totally reasonable thing to do- hell I'm confronted on all sorts of behaviour all the time) where would the situation go.

Why don't you call him under the guise of some worthy publication or internet site to get a couple of quick comments about something. Maybe the Polaris award or being on Chives' Private Polaris shortlist and then ask him about the JSB bashing.

You could transcribe the recording into this thread for us all to enjoy.

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I appreciate your insights AD but do you see how people like Deeps and I are trying to build something up by tearing something down?


The "indie" scene has lots of garbage within it. So does the "jam" scene. I'm not sure how knocking something else down contributes to the building of another thing.

Some guy acted like a dick. So what? I have a lot of respect for what you're trying to do, I'm just not sure that constantly criticizing the "other" helps to showcase something else. And I'm not even sure that there is a genuine "other".

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I appreciate your insights AD but do you see how people like Deeps and I are trying to build something up by tearing something down?

I respect you guys, even if most of the time the ranting and raving about only-you-know-what doesn't make sense to me. Doesn't mean I disrespect the Raised By Swans guy either. Not to sound too wishy-washy, but there's lots of room for everyone to like what they like.

I'm still gonna be critical of people for liking crap though, as are you I imagine.

What else is on this mysterious Chives fellow's list of things?

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I've got to agree Hamilton.

I don't know if I'm trying to rip anything down here....I just thought that before we start handing any hardware over that there has to be some consideration to the character of this guy.

Not a glowing report.

There is shite in both Jam and Indie and the lines between the 2 are being blurred. You can hear some more progressive elements seeping into Indie, and some stronger adherance to structure in Jam.

That's an evolution both teams need.

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I've got to agree Hamilton.

I don't know if I'm trying to rip anything down here....I just thought that before we start handing any hardware over that there has to be some consideration to the character of this guy.

Not a glowing report.

Are we giving an award based on character, or on quality of music? (I don't know shit about this guy's band, FWIW.)

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Whatever...it'a all hypotheticals here and if someone wants to rah rah rah this guy, I'll bring some truth into the high five fest.


Here's hoping you never have a bad night in front of someone with an internet connection.

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A 4 hour night or not at a bar I have way more respect for myself and others to EVER ruin another band's artwork in front of the venue where I am sharing the stage, or anywhere else for that matter.

This is a fucking deplorable act and speaks directly to the character of this person as far as I'm concerned. Whether it says they're a bad drunk, a dipshit, need to meditiate before they go out in public I'm not sure, but in no way does it say....awesome let's get show going with this guy he's seems cool.

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Whatever...it'a all hypotheticals here and if someone wants to rah rah rah this guy' date=' I'll bring some truth into the high five fest.


Here's hoping you never have a bad night in front of someone with an internet connection.

A bad night?

I've dealt with loads of shit in the 14 years I've been putting myself on a stage. You're not going to find a single person with a story that comes close to this about me.

Pull over the devil's advocates bus and let AD off please.

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Wow...glad to see my post generated so much discussion! For what it's worth, I've known the singer of Raised by Swans for many, many years - since he was the bassist in ghandarvas - as a mutual friends of come really close friends of mine...the guy is a premadona, pretentious, sad-bastard with many, many, personal issues. But he's a good musician. As a human being, Wagner was a bastard - as a musician, top-notch. What are you going to do? I personally can't even listen to Raised by Swans cuz I think the singer is such a douche...and I love all the other guys in the band to death...but in terms of Canadian music, Raised by Swans do deserve props. As far as that Andy Mahoney or whatever the fag's name is - fuck him; he's too cool for school and so 'indie' it hurts.

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I'd also like to point out that both Daiquiri (Mike Hickey) and Fuck the Facts are Ottawa-area bands.

Both are terrible, but hey. Ottawa is the new 'it' town for Canadian music


You serisouly better back that shit the fuck-up...how do you justify calling these bands terrible? Cuz they're loud? Cuz they don't get all high and noodle for hours? Cuz it's not digestable within ten fucking seconds. Dude, if you ever met the members of Daiquiri or FTF or were lucky enough to play with them, you would seriously be begging Jesus, Satan and Budah himself to help you take your words back...it's one thing to not 'like' a band, but calling these incredible talents 'terrible' is unforgivealbe and really says something about your intelligence and common sense = you are serisouly fucking mistaken. Trust me dude - you better take that shit back because it makes you look and sound really, really stupid.

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Pull over the devil's advocates bus and let AD off please.


I don't know if he's a cool guy or what. But in your view it's totally inconceivable that can be anything but a deplorable bastard because he threw a CD?

Honestly, what about talking shit on the internet about someone based on a vague story about the mumbling vulgarity of a dude outside a bar?

I'm not 'tearing you down to build something up' or any of that nonsense. Just seems hypocritical.

But anyways, you kicked me off your bus, I'm sad now.

And the dude wasn't on stage when he did anything, according to your story, so your 14 years of putting yourself on stage doesn't really do much for your point.


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I'd also like to point out that both Daiquiri (Mike Hickey) and Fuck the Facts are Ottawa-area bands.

Both are terrible' date=' but hey. Ottawa is the new 'it' town for Canadian music


You serisouly better back that shit the fuck-up...how do you justify calling these bands terrible? Cuz they're loud? Cuz they don't get all high and noodle for hours? Cuz it's not digestable within ten fucking seconds. Dude, if you ever met the members of Daiquiri or FTF or were lucky enough to play with them, you would seriously be begging Jesus, Satan and Budah himself to help you take your words back...it's one thing to not 'like' a band, but calling these incredible talents 'terrible' is unforgivealbe and really says something about your intelligence and common sense = you are serisouly fucking mistaken. Trust me dude - you better take that shit back because it makes you look and sound really, really stupid.

You would go well with some sour cream for your sour grapes, my friend.

Yes I've met Mike Hickey, yes I've laughed at the Daiquiri schtick, yes it's funny for a night. But your opinion is more right than mine, sure go ahead. Do I really have to preface everything I say with 'In my opinion?'

Take a shot at my intelligence, go for it. Call me stupid fine. Not gonna me me like two bands that I don't like. (And that I think are terrible) edit. Who else has stuck up for these bands? At least I have an opinion on them. You're kinda lucky I'm in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do; if not maybe your venom would have choked you.


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'As far as that Andy Mahoney or whatever the fag's name is - fuÇk him; he's too cool for school and so 'indie' it hurts. '

i remember him showing up to a bunch of jammy shows when i was back in london.

so what if he's into a scene.

if anybody's gonna fuck him it's his cute young girlfriend.

either way this whole thing seems silly.

prima donnas. they waste our time.

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