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Anyone 'previewed' Vista yet?


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I've been working on getting it installed but it's presenting me with a problem because I've got a RAID0 nVidia array and getting the drivers to correctly see the volumes seems to be a problem. I'm actually trying to install the x64 version as well which I'm sure doesn't make things easier.

I like XP as well. It's been very good to me.

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Well, opinions are like assholes; everyone's got one. ;)

I haven't seen it yet so I have no opinion. However, as a computer consultant, it's my job to run it and understand it because it'll only be a matter of time before my customers start seeing it.

I'm curious though: What's so crappy about it?

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Rumour has it that it is watered-down and too mainstream.

Do you ever have anything pertinent or interesting to offer? I'm sorry that I don't think much of the latest album of the band you've decided to dedicate your life to. I'm sorry that you feel you need to clutch on to something now that Jerry is dead and Phish have gone their seperate ways. When I see you I'll give you a big hug.

You are coming down here for the Slip show right? Wanna come over for some beers beforehand?

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Guest Low Roller

I've been tinkering with Office 2007 of late. Beside it being completely different (took me five minutes to figure out how to open a file), it also grinds my computer to a slow crawl. On the plus side if you are running some sort of super computer, you have a visually appealing word processor and an ergonomic spreadsheet.

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I'm using vista, it's pretty good as long as you have the proper specs to meet its graphical demands, processor speed requirements, memory etc... There are a lot of really cool features that make it look prettier, and it runs as smooth as XP. you have to go to there home page and find the build of the OS and then check and see if everything jives between the cpu and the OS. I'd recommend using it, but make sure you back up everything you want or need on a disk, just in case is pis*es you off too much, ot things just get screwy.

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I'm not in any rush for the upgrade. As for the look and feel, I've got Mac OSX 10.4 running on my iMac ;)

The only serious issues that bothered me were related to the licensing. Until yesterday, they were limiting the amount of fresh installs to 2. That sucks for someone like myself who rebuilds a pc almost yearly. Well, they got rid of that after a huge public backlash.

I think it looks like a very fine upgrade, but I wouldn't install it until after the RTM. Many will wait for SP1

I'm probably just going to upgrade my pc to an Intel dual core 2 duo, a new vid card, SATA drives, etc...a full system and then install vista fresh....maybe even get a cheap OEM version.

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Fuck no. I would rather stab myself with pencils.

Oh, come on now. You're going to hurt my feelings. Why do all the work yourself? I'll bet I could get a line-up of people willing to take care of that for you.

How about you come over, we'll invite MarcO over, have a few beers, listen to the new Slip album, and giggle like school girls as we discuss how cute Brad is. Then I'll put on some Corrosion of Conformity, crank the stereo, and make you into the woman you so desperately want to be. If Bradm is going to be around, perhaps he can record it.

"Too mainstream" is a descriptor used by people who like to think they are too cool for something that is popular. Its normally way off the mark by whomever uses it.

Oh, is that so. Well thank you for the analysis. Of course, it could be that it's a descriptor used by people to group music being produced by the recording industry solely for the purpose of sale to the brainwashed masses. Or possibly even to denote music that is too similar to a lot of other music to make it interesting on it's own.

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try ubuntu as an os if you are into linux...it's all free and really cool, much better than windows os's

yeah...it's so good that you won't be able to play any of the games that you might want to play, run any of that windows software you've grown to love, and MORE!

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Fuck no. I would rather stab myself with pencils.

Oh' date=' come on now. You're going to hurt my feelings. Why do all the work yourself? I'll bet I could get a line-up of people willing to take care of that for you.

How about you come over, we'll invite MarcO over, have a few beers, listen to the new Slip album, and giggle like school girls as we discuss how cute Brad is. Then I'll put on some Corrosion of Conformity, crank the stereo, and make you into the woman you so desperately want to be. If Bradm is going to be around, perhaps he can record it.

"Too mainstream" is a descriptor used by people who like to think they are too cool for something that is popular. Its normally way off the mark by whomever uses it.

Oh, is that so. Well thank you for the analysis. Of course, it could be that it's a descriptor used by people to group music being produced by the recording industry solely for the purpose of sale to the brainwashed masses. Or possibly even to denote music that is too similar to a lot of other music to make it interesting on it's own.

I'm getting confused. what was this thread about again?


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I'm actually going to skip that generation of windows if I can (still chugging along with a P3-450 and win2000 thanks very much) and move over to OS X. Maybe at some point I'll want a dual-boot system with both but can't see a reason to stay with Windows when a new MacBook pro comes along in the distant future (like, tax return future maybe).

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you have to search around for the proper software to run it, and on an added note you can install it to have both OS's running at the same time, and all applications from both windows and ubuntu can be exchanged without hassle. ubuntu makes their product windows friendly, all games can be played with the proper software, and you can get it free off of a torrent site or from the developer

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I was going to try it but I heard that it's a mad RAM hog (like it takes 1 gig just for the OS) so I haven't tried it.

I've also been thinking about office 2007. A buddy at work here was reading about it and apparently Microsoft did several months of testing with it to improve the productivity levels of the users. What they found was that if the users (and they picked a little company separate from MS to do the study) were properly trained the productivity went up by roughly 30%. I took a look at it and it looked really confusing to me but I only saw it on a laptop a guy brought up to the ITS office where I work and never actually played with it.

As to Vista being too mainstream, I've heard the same. I thought the same thing about XP when I got it but luckily it had an option to switch it back to classic mode and then with a bit more tweaking no more bubbly colors, old control panel, etc. Now, as far as the OS goes, it was much better since there was more it could do and I figure that's how Vista should be. All colorful and user friendly but with a bit of playing it should be possible to can that stuff and just use the OS. Who knows.

Side note: I'm not opposed to the colorful schemes, I just don't like them since I'm a programmer and spend a lot of time on the machine so I like it to be tweaked right out and very efficient, give the RAM it takes to have all the fancy stuff to more productive things that need it like the Adobe programs or my various IDE's (Eclipse is a huge memory hog being written in Java but it's a great IDE for many different languages).

My two cents. Right now I'm running WinXp, Win2000, Win2003 Server and QNX (real-time OS like you'd have in a cell phone or car or other device) on one machine, WinXP on the other desktop and my laptop has Fedora 5 and WinXP with VMWare so that I can run QNX on that too. I'll probably grab Vista just for the hell of playing around with it. I'm a geek.

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I tried out Office 2007 with an online Citrix trial, and I was VERY impressed. Well, mainly with Visio's interface and the inclusion of UML modelling.

Maybe that was in version 2003, but we're stuck in 2000 at work. I'm taking a UML course in a month and I hope to find a tool that I can use for my freaking job that is as good looking as that was.

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